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God Damn Snowmobilers


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I hate snowmobilers who think they are the shit, expesically when they've got all that fairy ass looking matching neon green artic-cat gear you might as well wear spandex cuz you look gay!


So I went for a ride yesterday up one of the snowmobile trails, keep in mind my friends house is around a mile up the snowmobile trail and he drives his truck twice a day..... So I'm going up to visit my buddie in the woods and I ran into 6 or so snowmobilers all decked out in their fairy gear, I pull off to the side and let them go by, the last one gives me the evil eye and starts shaking his head!

Like I'm the bad guy here for riding up my buddies driveway...


So he starts shaking his head in disqust so I nodded my head and give him the evil eye right back, right when he gets beside me I started slamming the gears banged 6th before I even started going, tore up a good 20 feet of trail right beside him!!!!HHHHHAAAAAAAAAAA!! Fucker!! He drove by just glaring at me, then I noticed he's got Mass plates! And he's shaking his head at me in my home turf which I ride faitfully every couple days!!!!!


It just pissed me off, you want to act like you own the place ride where you actually own the place, don't critisize me because I pulled off the trail thats my buddies driveway to LET YOU GO BY, anyways, throw one more bad mark up for the ATV riders cuz I sure as hell made an impression on him!


I'm sure I probally roosted him as well as right when he got beside me coming the other way I started giving it the gears :D

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Not a very good post dude even though i'm hardcore atv rider I also am hardcore sledder and with the so called fairy gear too. Stay off the dam sled trails then. So when it comes to sledding and atving i swing both ways. Just obey the dam rules and stop tearing the trails up. Whether you like sledders or not they could always make laws harder than they are now for atving. Just take a chill pill and don't worry about others facial expressions. He probably did it to make you act like a kid which must of worked.

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Does openly admiting that you not only bought but actually wear the fairy gear make you seem hardcore enough to critisize me for riding on my local trail or better yet my buddies driveway? Biggiggity Biggitiggty blow me buddie..


Oops better not say that! Might take it as an invite!...... :(


FYI when you ride in an aera that is not HOME turf keep your lame ass expressions to yourself unless they are doing something totally in the wrong, which I most certainly was NOT, but big man on the snowmobile just assumed I was so I HAD to make him right! Next time this shee doesnt stop and pull to the side to let the nice fairys go by, he blazes right up the trail and makes them pull off... Suck me off biatch its my friends road he owns it and I have the right grin and bear it. Private property if he wanted it to be and this hooligan has explicit permission to be there NOT you. Though he is nice and keeps the road open as it is a major ITS trail.


I've had these assholes coming at me VERY fast too fast 70+ mph and run me right off the road making me flip over and they keep on going, screw that shit, these are my trails not some out of state dip shit who comes up for the weekend and thinks he owns 'em, not gonna happen... He'll tell you the same thing, he's had people hit his truck cuz they go WAY too fast in unknown terrain.


I'm not some little kid man I'm 27 and have ridden these trails for half of my life, no out-of-stater coming up for the weekend shall even judge me whatsoever for riding where I always ride but I shall judge him.......


I don't ride with disrespect period, this is why I've always been able to ride whereever I want, tar, dirt, whatever.. Cuz I respect everything, you disrespect me for being respectful and you just opened a can of worms my friend. ;)


Not that when they hit the gas on their 120+hp machines it leaves the trail in any better condition then when I drive up it once with my quad, they tear the shit up big time! Whenever they goose it it leaves a 2' by 10' trench in the trail... Eat that jock-strap biatch!

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Gees calm down. You maybe right or wrong, but hey somethings just aren't fair so deal with it and move on. It's all fun and games when it comes to sledding and atving so put it behind and get that shee rocking and have fun. ;) And don't hold grudges against sledders they are having fun just like you.

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LOL I bet your buddy doesnt own that trail you were on !!!!! and the price that I pay to ride my sled on those trails is reason to give you that look when its the sledders who take care of 90% of the trails . and pay over a hundred bucks a year to ride them. They pay for the groomers and signs and everything else. OHHHHH and most important they have permission from the land owners and most of the land owners dont want 4 wheelers on them....... I ride a banshee and just bought a 04 sportsman and ride sleds all winter and own property on lake sabastacook in maine if you want to usethose trails get a sled and pay the regestration fee just like everyone else or tell your buddy to not let the sledders through and you can ride up and down his driveway :blink: alone with out the green cats running you over

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Well, I have to somewhat agree with "Brokemybanshee". If those are his buddy's trails or property, then "Broke" was in the right. I have nothing against sledders at all, but if they dont know whos property they are on, they have no business giving dirty looks to anyone. And our ATV taxes and registration dont get appropriated to the trails that they are supposed to, but the snowmobilers get their trails WTF. I know I pay for my ATV to be registered, and I dont get anything out of it. NO trails, no ATV parks to go ride, but the sledders do? Now, I know it isnt the sledders fault, in fact if I was in their shoes Id be happy I have trails too.

Also, I dont see how riding an ATV would hurt the sled trails anyway. I dont see Ruts screwing up the trails to the point that a snowmobiler cant ride their trails.

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lmmfao!!! I ran in to a similar problem last year. I set up the snomoshee. After testing it, I discovered that it actually tore up the trail ALOT less than a sled. On a WOT take off, I left virtually no trench, and it is so light that it just floats wherever it goes... ANyways, When Iw as testing, I was on a section of the sled trail owned by a friend and co-worker of mine.. EVERY sled that passed me, looked at me like they were gonna tear me a new one. One individual actually stopped, and I gave him a new one. I ride both sides of the fence here. I ride sled in the winter as well. I don't have all the "fairy gear'. And that one made me laugh more than anything. :lol: My gear consists of my ATV pants, and a jacket circa 1971. :blink: No shit. Anyways, I don't know the REAL circimstances surrounding this incident, but I do know that club sponsored trails usually do not allow wheeled vehicles on their trails.... The landowners prefer it this way. and the sledders really take it to heart.....

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Also, I dont see how riding an ATV would hurt the sled trails anyway.  I dont see Ruts screwing up the trails to the point that a snowmobiler cant ride their trails.

Thats what the sledders argue and when they mention that i tell em i can tear up the trail a lot worse with my sled than an atv. I come arcoss more snow piles from sleds taking off and the track will leave a pile of snow which if cold enough it will harden and could launch a sled if hit. When is comes to sledding attacks or atving attacks i argue for both sides. It's a shame too that atvers don't have the trails we want and what little money we spend that is suposed to go to trails is put in the pockets of the state. Like i said before some things just aren't fair.

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Sledding lame to me. Did it for a short time and sold it.Dumped that hobby before i bought "fairy gear". Just didnt do it for me.Not even a chubby.


Up in Maine there is a alot of friction between sledders and atvers.In New Hampshire it's just as harsh a rivalry.Avoid confrontation if you can.Just go to your friends house.

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