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Clutch Kits

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i had a post awhile back about Tusk clutches and rockymountainatv is out of stock! where else can i get one? anybody have any websites or places ? also i know a few people have put a Tusk clutch kit in. so i wanna know how they are holding up. i wanna order it ASAP so i can get it in b4 the weather gets nice. i wanna do as much ridin and as little wrench turning this summer as possible. B)

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ok listen to this. i found their website .it's www.tuskoffroad.com ok now that i got the link up i got a little more for ya. i called rockymountain and the woman who answer said they will be out of stock until march or april ! :wacko: what the hell? on their website it says they are exclusive to rockymountain but there MUST be another place we can buy them. last but not least for the lucky bastards who got their hands on one and got it in their banshee how's iot holding up and grabbing for you? :lol:

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I got my kit from Rocky Mountain ATV. This was a replacement for the original clutch so no I cant compare it to any other clutch kit. I went with the tusk only because I have 4 kids and I am a tight ass! I plan to buy more Tusk items in the future because I am completely satisfied with their products so far. I am gonna get one of their folding shifters next I guess. Sorry I cant be more help. All I can say is that if you can get a Tusk kit try it. If it turns out it isnt what you like it isnt like you paid out the a$$ for it. Good luck dude.

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