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Heading for LS, Ok this afternoon...


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Will be getting there around 6:30-7pm if all goes well. Got my shee look'n purdy too, will get to try out the new shee this weekend as well. Also going to get some new paddles to fit the honda hubs on my new*used* -2 swingarm & will see how shee does. I'm pumped & ready to ride, the hand's feeling pretty good....still broke, but F it!! :twisted:


Anyone else roll'n down for the weekend? I'll be pimp'n the cowboy camp. :lol:

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Yeah, I made it...was in the cowboy camp...in the wester section of stalls, about 5 down from the entrance into the cowboy camp,...was there with a bunch of rails, had my banshee, my other(yellow & blue), and my buddy was there with his shee w/red fullbores all around with a For Sale sign on it. I looked too, but damn it was busy...didn't figure with that many people I'd catch anyone. Had fun, shee's messed up though, gotta figure out what's going on....shee's spitt'n & sputter'n at the top of the powerband, fresh plugs didn't cure it. I imagine it's probably the TORRS, but I dunno....we'll see, haven't had time to check it out yet.


Saturday around noon or so I was tearing up the drag strip, not the sectioned off strip, but just where everyone lines up & drags. That -2 swingarm is the bomb shit even in the sand! If you are a duner & wonder about having issues with the -2 arm in the sand, don't! It's fucking awesome, hookup is even better and in the air shee handles like a peach. I picked up some 8 paddle Sand Kings 'Turbo Paddles'(little wider & more stout than haulers) and they hooked up great, the -2 helped rather than hindered in the drags, I was getting a good bike or 2 jump damn near every time off the line, after that I was already gone! 8) Also, I'm still running 13/41 gearing. :shock: Shee was running good until Sunday morning when shee strarted shit'n on me. I was impressed with all the quads that were running, I was handing people their asses until the 'big boys' showed up....one has NOS & was fucking screaming! :twisted: Soo,...I parked it & just watched for a while. On the g/f's shee I didn't get it 300 yards out of the gate before the clutch went to shit completely...motor runs damn strong, but shee doesn't move...I can put shift through all the gears without the clutch sitting stationary. :roll: ....so it looks like it's time for a dirt digger. :wink:



I think we're planning another trip on the 7th-9th. Maybe if some HQ'rs are going that weekend we can meet up, shouldn't be soo busy then. I knew it was Ok's fall break, but I didn't imagine it would be that packed!

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