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Right Cylinder only fires at 1/2 throttle

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I have searched through all the old threads on this topic and have tried everything mention. Long story short, my right cylinder only fires at 1/2 throttle. Below are things I have done and tried...Any opinons are appreciated... Its mostly stock, stock carbs, TORS unplugged, T-5s, 30 pilots, 290 mains, 1200 elevation, cool head-21cc

- New plugs

- Swapped plugs

- swapped coils

- Have spark

- no air leaks

- reeds

- checked cool head

- cleaned/synced carbs


So after all this, I swapped the carbs, put the left carb(choke) on the right cylinder and vice versa. The right cylinder fired as normal and the left cylinder would only fire at 1/2 thottle. So I figured it was carb related. Also, when I spray ether directly into the back of the carb, it fires normally until the ether vaporizes. I then put on a spare carb and still the same problem. I went from 27.5 pilots up to 30s and still the same result. I am stumped... banghead

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I have searched through all the old threads on this topic and have tried everything mention. Long story short, my right cylinder only fires at 1/2 throttle. Below are things I have done and tried...Any opinons are appreciated... Its mostly stock, stock carbs, TORS unplugged, T-5s, 30 pilots, 290 mains, 1200 elevation.

- New plugs

- Swapped plugs

- swapped coils

- Have spark

- no air leaks

- checked cool head

- cleaned/synced carbs


So after all this, I swapped the carbs, put the left carb(choke) on the right cylinder and vice versa. The right cylinder fired as normal and the left cylinder would only fire at 1/2 thottle. So I figured it was carb related. Also, when I spray ether directly into the back of the carb, it fires normally until the ether vaporizes. I then put on a spare carb and still the same problem. I went from 27.5 pilots up to 30s and still the same result. I am stumped... banghead


I had the same thing with my left side and i bought new carbs and it fixed it

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