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TORS removal and jetting question

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so i just installed my TORS removal kit, which makes working on the carbs POSSIBLE. Then i installted a stage 3 jet kit. i am not running seperate K&N filters, just one K&N with the air box lid removed. it started after a few swift kicks idles great! took her down the driveway and when i stab the throttle down low it back fires once then clears up and seems to be running much stronger than before. I had 210 main jets with the air screws out about 2 turns, i have installed 280 MJ's with the fuel screw out 2.5 turns. it got dark out so i am waiting until the morning to see what i can come up with. as far as carb jetting goes, i only really know what the directions tell me. the needles are on the 4th groove out of 6. let me know if you have any other questions. it seems to do the same thing in every gear quick back fire(stumble) and then starts SCREAMING. jet kit was well worth it IMO. feels like it has wayyy more power. please let me know what you think

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so this morning i started messing around with the carbs. I got rid of the low end pop by turning the air screw in 1/2 turn so it accelerates great until just before red line then it starts hesitating. the troubleshooting guide that came with my jet kit says that would make it a rich condition. im not running the air box lid, so when i put the lid on and rode it, it didnt have hardly any power. so im wondering what should i check next, the needle which is on the 4th position, or drop one size Main jet to a 270?

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So Im 90% sure i figured out why my banshee has been giving me such a hard time with the jetting! i sprayed some more carb cleaner on the reed side of the carb and when i did, the idling dropped by about 50% didnt matter on which cylinder. upon further investigation i noticed that the boots were cracked terribly. i think all of the carb adjustments are what really tore them up. taking them on and off about 25 times... there was some old silicone on the boots. so i tried to use some more silicone after i cleaned the boots up from dirt and grease. that didnt work, so i ordered some boots and they will be here soon. hopefully that is the last thing i need to do before i can see what this banshee is all about! i will keep you all posted

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ok, so new boots... same damn back firing at about 1/4-1/2 throttle... i cant believe what a POS this thing is being. following jetting directions to a T... i have two more options before i watch this thing burn and bring the metal to the scrap yard.... would definately rather watch this thing burn than sell it to someone who flips a preverbial switch to make it run like a top in 30 seconds... WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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so i figured out what the problem was with the banshee. it was electrical. one of the spark plug caps wasnt getting good connection. so i repaced the caps, and trimmed the wires back... what a difference, i cant believe how this thing rips!!!! thanks everyone for the help and suggestions.

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