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Have you ever noticed that every ltr 500 owner claims that their zilla is the fastest thing on the planet!!! lol browsin through ebay i seen one that has pipes and a cool head and claims that it wont lose to a banshee with less than $12 K in it. I know they are really fast quads but they are not gods gift to four wheelers...lol...i just wanna hear a story bout how somebody tore a zilla up just to make me sleep good tonight!!! lol

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i have owned 3 zillas.... there fast... but its oranges to apple...


im sure a dr.q top fuel dragser will beat the run of the mill shee.... but its oranges to apples...


and i own a banshee now... and no zilla's.... so theres your answer of what i have more fun with...

well cant say i own no zillas... im still slowly building a ground up zilla basket case..

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Have you ever noticed that every ltr 500 owner claims that their zilla is the fastest thing on the planet!!! lol browsin through ebay i seen one that has pipes and a cool head and claims that it wont lose to a banshee with less than $12 K in it. I know they are really fast quads but they are not gods gift to four wheelers...lol...i just wanna hear a story bout how somebody tore a zilla up just to make me sleep good tonight!!! lol


I hate to say it, but we have a zilla that is fast. Its extremely un-reliable and finicky, but it will tear anything less than 90hp a new asshole on the drag strip.

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With your 62 posts to my 4,000+ and standing on here, you hardly have room to tell me to prove it or shut the fuck up. My word alone should be enough, plus the fact that I am a die hard banshee guy. You do enough to anything, and it becomes fast. The game is all about who has more money.

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With your 62 posts to my 4,000+ and standing on here, you hardly have room to tell me to prove it or shut the fuck up. My word alone should be enough, plus the fact that I am a die hard banshee guy. You do enough to anything, and it becomes fast. The game is all about who has more money.

ssssssssssoooooooooooooooooooooo true about the money part...

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Any Zilla I ran into has not impressed me. Ive pulled up next to many very nice Zillas where I thought Id lose in my dune ported 350, but it hasn't happened yet.


I personally think they are bad ass, and who cares if they are the fastest. Id love to have one to beat on, but probably never will due to the reliability issues I have heard about them.


Cool quads, but if you wanna go fast, buy a Banshee and be done!

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don't get me wrong...id like to have a zilla to play around with. it just seems that everybody ive ever met with one will not admit that there is something that can beat it and the reality is that there is always something faster or better.


what all you got done to yours snop?

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It was my uncle's bike, he left it to us when he passed away. IT has a 6mm Stroked ILR/CT/Trinity TT motor in it. CT Pipe, coolhead, clutch, 46mm lectron, all the normal add ons after that. You guys ever seen a ct pipe for one of these? It dumps out on the ground in front of the motor.










Check this thing out, this is one with a streetbike motor I found.


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Any Zilla I ran into has not impressed me. Ive pulled up next to many very nice Zillas where I thought Id lose in my dune ported 350, but it hasn't happened yet.


I personally think they are bad ass, and who cares if they are the fastest. Id love to have one to beat on, but probably never will due to the reliability issues I have heard about them.


Cool quads, but if you wanna go fast, buy a Banshee and be done!

true that ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

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