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Right cylinder not firing in mid or high range.

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Ok I was just riding through some open trails and then all off a sudden my right cylinder stopped firing. One cylinder would hold up for riding back to camp and I heard no backfires from the exhaust when I was revving or slowing down. But the thing that gets me is that the right cylinder stops firing at mid to high range. It idles just fine and runs like a champ going through low end but when mid range comes in then the cylinder won't fire at all.


The engine/intake/exhaust/electrical mods I run are, 4mil long rod, 795 series pistons, Wildcard Aggressive Trail Port, VF3 reeds, 1/4 reed spacers, 2 in 1 intake with a 33mm PWK, Filter pod, Trinity head, 19cc domes (205lbs of compression), Pro-circuit platinum pipes, and a dynatek fs ignition.


Any suggestions?


Spark plug boots? Coil?

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IMO thats WAY, under carbed. that needs TWO 33mm carbs minimum not one lil one. Hell i would be running dual 35's with that man.



HAve you checked out any of the electrical though...but i still think thats a tiny carb for that motor man...

Edited by savage420
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im gonna throw this out there, and being its tyler i am sure it was his first thought.. did u already change out for a new set of plugs?? besides that.. i would replace the plug caps.. i had the same thing happen to me.. a burnt plug cap causes a weak spark, and at higher rpm's the cylinder pressure increases making it harder for the plug to fire.. try swapping the plug wires and see if the problem follows the cap.

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