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Everything posted by shee-gurg2k1

  1. shee-gurg2k1


    Someones getting sloppy 4ths I have NEVER ever liked Steve, he's always causing problems on forums, at the drags or in his stolen business. Screwing Dave and all of MP's customers is just inexcusable. Hey Steve if you're such a stand up guy why don't you give Dave his business name back and go find a rock to live under? I remember B370 being here helping people out ever since before I first joined on the network54 forum. Gee, who should we believe, someone whos been helping people for years or someone who F'ed over a respectable business and its customers??
  2. You seem to be real hung up on my looks, I guess you must look at guys and think "damn he's hot" or "geez he's ugly" huh? Straight dudes don't look at guys 'like that', but then again what else would I expect from one of hollywoods customers? BUSTED
  3. Exactly. That's why a golf ball is covered in dimples. It creates a boundry layer of air which allows it to cause less friction which in turn allows it to travel faster.
  4. Yep, don't forget I live in salem oregon <-------------- I must say I'd have to agree
  5. and just where has yamaha claimed this hp # and why would an after market company trying to boost hp claim lower then the manufactor? and, what about people 30 years ago, do you really think they dumber back then? Most didn't use huge nation wide shops to do their modifications for them, they used trial and error and stuck with what worked. Like I said why would most shops who are all about volume go the extra distance when people will buy the run of the mill stuff they put on the shelves. (the extra work hollywood does goes against most business models, and the current trend of streamlining production, why provide extra service without extra compensation?......maybe the guy truely does care about the products he puts his name on...........very odd ) Now gurg, just because some thing doesn't fit neatly into your little box that you consider normal, doesn't mean that is wrong or doesn't work. Instead of me and those that have hollywoods mods constantly trying to prove that they work, why don't you try some of his stuff and prove that it doesn't work or do you plan on trash talking his products that you have never tried with your power of they keyboard. By the way you'll happy to know that most of hollywoods products are very affordable, so in you quest to prove him and countless customers wrong, you'll save a few bucks in attempting it. I wasn't talking about you when I said "side kick" I was talking about his little butt buddy criminalpoet. Most people back then had nothing to test their work on so of course they'll think it goes faster after they spent 80 hours working over the engine. Sure going in and hacking up the ports is going to increase the horsepower slightly, but a real builder who knows what he is doing can increase horsepower dramatically. Who is comparing Hollywood to huge nationwide shops? I am talking about the small 1-2 man shops like the ones around here for instance. The shops that can get you huge power increases for the same price as those hack builders that only give you 1-2HP increases. Whats the point of charging someone for something that is totally useless? I would say that's why most shops don't polish intakes, because they don't want to waste peoples time and money on something that does nothing. You and "those that have hollywoods mods" have done nothing to prove that they work.. Well I take that back, you did dyno your motor and that pretty much proved that his porting is crap. He can give you all the excuses in the world "That IS a good number, you didn't have the right tires, blah blah blah", but face facts, even going off your stock horsepower numbers that would only amount to a 4-5 HP increase out of a FULL port job. I seriously doubt a big bore is going to double your horsepower, but CT's 240 big bore dynoed out at 40HP. That's almost double what your ported motor put out. I Still find it very sad that a builder expects his customers to not only pay for his work, but pay to have it tested to find out if it actually does anything. Hey, why don't you show me some dynos that hollywood has done over the years during his "over 10 years of testing"? Oh wait, they don't exist! So hes just been blindly hacking away at cylinders never testing them, probably never even making a port map or measuring the ports either and charging them to do it. I bet he doesn't even have a degree wheel does he?
  6. Are you gonna run and tell your mommy on me now little boy?
  7. Well since half of your post didn't make any sense I'm just gonna smile and nod
  8. Damn I'm a sexy bitch Are you that guy thats been stalking me? NYUK I'm thinking about getting rid of the polaris and getting another banshee. I know how much you've missed me
  9. Damn biff I thought you were this big mature college student. I guess you're nothing more then an average uninformed immature customer of hollywoods Hollywoods sidekick finally admitted that the polishing does absolutely nothing but look good. So that means Hollywood is charging everyone for something totally useless. Man I want to send him my cylinder now!! Yamaha claims the blaster puts out about 14-15HP at the wheels. I will believe that over some dyno of FMF's since their dynos seem to show that they are the best pipe ever made I don't think you can really compare something they did in the 70's to stuff they do now. There have been a lot of advances in 2 stroke building and comparing Hollywoods work to something they quit doing 30 years ago doesn't really help get your point across. The reason why people don't do it is because its a complete waste of time. I don't want to pay my builder to do things to the ports that are totally useless Here's the statement of a true genius, I'm surprised you didn't call us "poopy heads" somewhere in there :
  10. Funny, but maybe you should go check his forums, he's only doing 2 motors. Exadurating a bit are we? Hollywood has no employees. He just asked one of his CUSTOMERS to open up a second shop with his name. I don't want some guy who has NEVER ported a motor before porting one of my motors. It's just another way for hollywood to scam his customers I guess.
  11. Doesn't make any sense, if it was another basher then how come 'he' has work done by hollywood? You seem so confident that rifling and polishing the intakes work but you have never seen a scrap of proof from HWD that it works and EVERYONE else who knows about motors says its a load of crap, I don't understand how you can still think it works. You have no reason to HWDs IP has matched tesscos on 3 different websites, HWD has reasons to bash CP, he's immature, he's done this in the past to Trenga and the only thing tessco has ever posted anywhere was bashing CP and promoting HWD. It is him, I don't need to prove it beyond a reasonable doubt. I have all the proof I need. If it was somebody using a different ISP then I would believe its not him but all the evidence points at HWD. How do you figure I'm destroying his business? All he needs to do to end all this is show a flow sheet to show that his designs work. Usually I wouldn't care, but this guy goes out of his way to make it seem like he is the best and everyone else sucks so I want to see some proof if he is going to bash everyone else. He won't even TELL people how it works. He just expects everyone to send him money and he'll make them go fast. That might be good enough for you but that sure as hell isn't good enough for me.
  12. Now Hollywood is on his board posting under his made up name about how porting the reedcage is useless and rifling is much better
  13. its not something every builder needs to know. carbon has a harder time sticking to a smooth surface. ive seen numerous people run polished intakes and none of them have any porblems at all with an inadequate burn. i just got back from a friends that just tore down a shee and he took a die grain bit to the bridges and kinda beveled them(nothing catastrophic) but he polished his intakes on his banshee and his previous one and guess what? no probs. no signs of fuel globbing in portions of the head from burns. they run like raped apes too. How much testing have you done to prove that they're getting adequate burn? None? Just because you know some guy who polished the intakes on his banshee doesn't mean you're right. I am into drag racing and if polishing the intakes added HP I would see more people doing it, but the only people I see doing it are the people that need to use a gimmick to sell their products. If you don't understand how a rough intake is better then maybe you should read this: http://www.macdizzy.com/porting103.htm ok find me a dyno sheet showing the RWHP of a shee since your so sure. there is NO WAY a STOCK banshee is putting down 35hp at the wheels. How is it impossible? I bet you wouldn't believe that a built 350 on alky could put out 90 HP at the wheels either would you? Dave Moore has done it and shown a dyno to prove it. Here you go, http://www.teamracersedge.com/dc-banshee.htm the last i checked a tenth of a horsepower isnt a 50% change. I wasn't referring to the .1 HP change between the rifled and stock carb I was referring to the horsepower versus the other ported blasters I have seen. yet youve never rode one or seen one run I don't need to see one run to know that 23HP is pretty pathetic. Maybe we should talk about how Hollywood trys to tell these kids that a long rod increases displacement? Just shows what kind of a scammer this guy is.
  14. carbon will not stick. you try to explain in detail very vividly how a rough intake can atomize fuel/oil better and then ill agree. How often do you see carbon build up in the intakes? How about you read back through this post like I've told you 20 times to see how it atomizes better. Do you you really think hollywood knows something that every other builder doesn't? How about the guys that spend thousands and thousands of dollars on testing and tuning, don't you think they would have tried polishing the intakes once or twice? What makes you think hollywood is right if he has never had his motors tested? That's totally rediculous. If you want to think that top builders who've spent hundreds/thousands of hours testing don't know something then some hack (who probably works out of the back of a van) who has never tested a motor does, then go ahead and do it. Those of us who aren't as ignorant will just have to laugh as we blow by you in a race tell me why you are comparing a RWHP to the crank hp off a shee. any logical person on this forums(which is 99% of the people here) that has dealt with dynos will tell you that there are many variables that determine a dyno output and taking your everyday blaster with the offroad tires on the dyno is not going to give the best number for overall output. i already stated that but i guess it didnt sink in. You only wish that was crank horsepower I could care less what you have stated, some small atmospheric changes aren't going to make a 50% HP difference, so keep trying to make up excuses why HWDs motors are such slugs
  15. If nobody cares about it but us then why do you keep replying with your childish name calling?
  16. We're not talking about a solid object sliding across a large flat surface we're talking about a gas (air) flowing through a small port. Air doesn't flow like a solid object would. Why do you HWD goons always have to drag CP in to every one of your arguements? Try being a little more mature and don't name people or builders that have nothing to do with the issue. Tell me how a 23HP blaster is going to beat a 32-35HP banshee? The only way it's possible is if it was a real short race since the blaster is about 60LBS lighter and are lower geared. Try one of these HWD motors to a track and tell me what it runs in the 300ft. My guess would be somewhere in the high 10's Since you dragged CP into this, would you like to talk about how one of his stock bore, stock carb, dune/drag ported bikes beat one of hollywoods 240cc PD3s? Now that is sad! I heard it from the horses mouth himself (hollywood). I don't need to stop him because 99% of these guys are smart enough to know what works and what doesn't and carb rifling and polished intakes are the type of stuff that doesn't work. He may be able to pull one over on some of the blaster riders since they don't seem to know any better, but the banshee world is a whole different story! I'm sure if his work is as "good" as the work on your blaster then those banshees are going to be getting beat by bone stock LT80's!! biffdenman, just keep running your mouth, you're just showing what kind of immature customer base hollywood has Stan, we still have the banshee, but I've been spending all my money on the scrambler, we'll see how it runs this year, if it's dissapointing then I might just sell it and buy some 80's shee and pimp it out
  17. Who said anything about oil injection? Banshees don't have injectors, they run premix and you don't see any of the top builders polishing intakes or rifling carbs on them. The roughness isn't only about atomization it also creates a boundry layer of air which allows the incoming air/fuel charge to flow through faster. On the polished intake the air is probably flying around in every direction trying to get into the cylinder. That would explain why his super duper PD3 only puts out a few more ponies then stock. There is no way hollywood is going to get into the banshee business like he claims, these guys will laugh him out of business when they see his 'technique'
  18. Southtown (yes I figured out your dirty little secret), I find that extremely funny. So you're saying that you have to own a succesful nationwide business before you 'know' about porting? Shoot, I better go buy a chain of Subway's so I can learn how to make a sandwich. I would hardly call a guy who scams out his work to a few kids on a message board a "succesful nationwide business" And don't tell me you're ACTUALLY trying to compare God to carb rifling? That's some pretty big talk coming from a 19 year old... It appears to me that we understand things just fine. Perhaps, as Mullet~Boy said, you should crack open a book or two on two strokes and learn how things work before you start throwing your weight around as if you know what you're talking about.
  19. if it proves nothing then why were you and various other begging for a dyno sheet and CFM sheets? it shows a definite increase in low to mid rpm. people do often "think" it gives them more power which is one reason i did research and going with marc's business. ALL of his customers thought that way. it wasnt a couple here and there that thought indifferently, they ALL did feel an improvement Dyno sheets and flow charts show proof that something works. Why is he so afraid to get it tested? How does he know its even any good if hes never tested it? As much as I'd hate to say it, probably 98% of his customers most likely don't know a piston from a counterbalancer so how would they know what was a good port job and what isn't? Don't you find it odd that there are so many knowlegable people explaining why this won't work? I don't think Marc can explain HOW it works because he knows it doesn't. You think sometime in the last 10 years he would have written it down and just show it to people so he doesn't have to keep writing it over and over, well atleast thats what someone with common sense would have done. If this guy isn't even willing to prove to his potential customers that his products are actually proven on a real dyno or flow bench and not with a seat of the pants dyno then why should anyone send him their business? I guess he doesn't care enough about his customers to sacrifice a few bucks for them. as soon as he posted the price lots of people decided to jump on it and every one of them was satisfied with his work. Lots of people have gotten the rifle? I'd only say about 4-5 people have actually gotten it on BlasterHQ, I wouldn't consider that a large customer base to base my descisions on. less peak power? Yes .1 less HP, but thats still a loss none the less. I would hope that enlarging the carburetor would give more top end, but obviously the rifle doesn't increase top end what-so-ever. prolly because you continue to rag on his work and as a moderator there is nothing he can do about. and a lot of people were really distracted by your claims. Tell me, where have I been continuously ragging on his work? I posted something about it about 4 months ago and then something a few weeks ago. I don't understand how thats continously doing it? If Hollywood wanted this to end then he'd quit all the bashing going on on his site, obviously he is to immature to quit.
  20. Easy with the threats there, buddy, I may have to file a lawsuit against you now The FACT is that your seat of the pants dyno proves nothing. Lots of people stick boost bottles, reed spacers, octane booster and those $20 spark plugs on their quads and then feel like they've doubled their horsepower, what does that prove? That people will 'feel' a gain ever if there isn't one just so they can justify spending all their money on it. Read back through this post and you will see exactly why this mod DOESN'T work. The reason why he lowered the price of his rifling is either 1. Nobody is buying them anymore because they're beginning to figure out that this doesn't work or 2. He's using it to pull members off BlasterHQ (since his is now banned from there) to keep himself in business. If he is tired of this then why does he continue (on a daily basis I might add) his immature games? The dyno is proof that this mod doesn't even work, it gives less peak power and drops out of the powerband a lot sooner, what good is that? 2 strokes are meant to be revved, you don't often ride around at 1,500 RPM. The pipe and carb probably add maybe 7HP themselves, that means his awesome port job adds 1-3HP? Wow that's really worth the $250+ If this mod really does work then why doesn't the man himself come on here and explain how it works? Oh wait, I forgot he refuses to do that too. I guess we should all just send him our stuff and he'll make it fast for us without question Yeah I've seen his top notch customer service. Someone asks him for help and he tells them to just take it apart and start over or to go read the manual, damn it's hard to find that quality of service these days There are plenty of one man shops being ran these days that manage to stay in business without scamming their customers.
  21. Sorry for bringing up an old post, but I thought I'd tell you a little more about this guy This guy has never showed a single scrap of proof that it works and refuses to test it on a flow bench. He told people to buy the thing and go test it themselves. Even the dyno shows that it doesn't really do anything. The way he bores the carb is to bore the engine side out to 30mm and leave the rest of it alone. Common sense would tell you that when the air/fuel flows from a confined space to an open space its going to slow down. As you can also see from that dyno his 'top' port job (PD3) only puts out 23 HP with a 34mm carb. This is maybe 8-10 more horsepower then stock, with a pipe, carb, full port job. That sounds pretty sad to me. He might be able to pull this scam off on some of the blaster owners, but I doubt he'll be able to pull this con on banshee riders. The man himself is also one of the most immature business owners I have seen and not only promotes/allows bashing of other builders on his forum (but starts throwing a hissy fit when someone disagrees with him), but also creates fake names to bash them himself on other forums. A&S does carb boring for $35 per carb, that's $35 less and it will probably make more horsepower anyways Hollywooddirt is the new AllProCycles
  22. I run a twist and love it. You could have motion pro custom make a throttle cable for $40+ so you can keep the TORS or for the same price you could eliminate some junk.
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