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Everything posted by Dsr1016

  1. By hardware I mean the bolts & anchor extenders so the bolts line up
  2. Are you throwing all the hardware to bolt it up to my stock banshee? Do you need the needles & jets ?
  3. If you dnt use drugs why’d you let him move his Cook Camper to your back yard ? Your telling all of us that he wasn’t cooking Meth for the both of you guys? WE ALL KNOW HE WAS MAKING YOU THE WORLDS BIGGEST METH PIPE !!!! but no he decided he’d keep it for him self and now your mad 😂👍👍
  4. You know, I was pondering this question today. I have come to the conclusion that Thacker is on the same drugs (or worse) than Tom is. I dnt think he ever wanted pipes for his banshee…. He wanted the world’s biggest Meth Pipe . He let him move the Cook trailer into his back yard & gave him $$$ thing he’s going to smoke for free for the rest of his life
  5. The only pipes he probably made was for smoking that CRANK .. LOL 💨💨💨
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