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  1. I've just bought a 350 two stroke engine out of a yamaha road bike and want to put it into my shee. It it should be an exact fit - however, my pipes are currently held on by a spring and the new engine requires they are bolted on. Is there a kit out there for this job? if so where can i be got and what's it called?
  2. Just after buying a Honda Magna 250 bike ................. dono where I'm going to fit it amongst the shee stuff in the garage.. . I've being surfing the net for a page like this on the Magna or Honda's but cant get one................. can anyone help me with some good sites.!!!!!
  3. I've two shee's and one donor engine on a bench as standby(a must). Last month i bought a full banshee chassie with no engine and I'm thinking of doing the dreaded - putting a 4 stroke engine into it. I like to do a bit of slow trail/ hill chlimbing and the screem of a 2 stroke is two much and not practical - but i love the shee frame. ( and the 350 twin) What 4 stroke engine would I get into the frame without too much hardship?
  4. Are shee engine studs unique to shee's. I need to replace one when installing my Noss cool head - can I use a stud or bolt form another bike that is scrapped. Are they a universal size or specific to the shee. What bikes have a similar size engine stud?
  5. Hotties - full stop. Ar there any good pages u can recommend with free access????
  6. I have my own business as a consultant in Environmental, Health & Safety, I mess with old tractors and machinery and study pornology. Reading through the resposnes a lot of you guys like shee's and porn. Wicked Weasel.com is a good free page which was recommended here before- ar there others? Spread the wealth!!!! What pages do you's get ur babes on?????
  7. If the head was warped slightly - whats the solution to fixing it? Will tightening the nuts to the correct torque help or fix the warp?
  8. I have replaced the head gasket twice on my shee and had the head skimmed. Yet there is compression and fume residue in the coolant. I used Yamaha gaskets on both occasions. Whats going wrong:- is it the gaskets, the head or what's causing this? What are the best gaskets to use? & where can they be got on the net? Should I replace my head in case it's warped? How often can they be skimmed? What would be a good replacement head? Maybe it's none of these!!!!! I'm about to pull my hair out at this stage - its wrecking my head - (no pun intended)
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