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Dick Manson

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Everything posted by Dick Manson

  1. Hey all, I'm still in the process of rebuilding a 2003 Banshee from the ground up. I'm sitting here with my wiring harness trying to identify for sure what wires go to what. My Clymer doesn't have a wiring diagram for 2002 forward (page is blank). I thought if I could positively identify each wire/connector, I could maybe trim unnecessary wires from this ugly old harness before re-taping. Searching online I found several old posts about this and it looks like a few even had pictures or whatever, but now the pictures can't be viewed. I thought I'd see if anyone here could help me identify the factory wiring and also give some input on the what I need to do to remove the tors-related wires, parking brake, replace the kill switch with a tether, etc.? Thanks so much for your time
  2. Excellent! Thanks for taking the time to help me out guys. Wish me luck with the rebuild. Take care.... Rich
  3. Hey all. New user here. Hopefully I'm in the right forum. I'm in the process of rebuilding a 2003 Banshee for a buddy of mine, pretty much from the ground up. It has Wicked Products a-arms and I'd like to go ahead and replace the ball joints while I have it all torn down. Normally I can find about anything online but I can't find much info about these a-arms. The ball joints seem pretty beefy. Anyone know what ball joints these arms take, where to order, etc. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Rich
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