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hee devil

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About hee devil

  • Birthday 03/19/1976

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  • Location
    Rockford Il.
  • Interests
    Hot toys and fast women.

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  • My Banshee (optional)
    2002 40 over, ported polished, vito hemi head, fmf gold pipes, works front shocks, pro taper bars and stem, and the list goes on small shit. shee my little devil.

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HQ Noob

HQ Noob (1/5)



  1. Ok haha all good. Have good idol lmao i dont even wanna admit what happend. Was going backwards with the dots had them screwed way out. Now issue is the idol screw isnt doing anything sinked the carbs up by the dot and good idol but screw only lifts the floats. So im like 3-4 turns out to get good idol. So does that affect the main jet ? To big or to small. if anybody still reading this if not I'll look it up tonight. Thanks
  2. and yes the slides are in the correct side. I checked and rechecked. lol
  3. ok cool did new gaskets when I did the reeds but have pulled them off a few times. thanks for your input. i'll check it out tomorrow I have to check a float anyways. let you know how it goes.
  4. yes actually seen it was cracked to shit so I put a new one on and same results I forgot to mention mu chokes not working all of a sudden it don't stay out and when pulled out no difference. sorry forgot that. pulled it out cleaned it up and put it back in same thing. totally forgot to mention that. ordering a new one tomorrow. could it be the choke issue. that and the questions about setting up the carbs at a good staring point.
  5. ok so im really new to the two stroke. not much of a motor guy and didn't know what a reed was till I seen it and googled it. so started reading a lot. no prob taking it to the shop but don't want to be surprised with a 800$ bill so few quick question hope there not stupid and don't piss no one off. ; ) Haha said I read a lot. so yes a reed blew out milked it home about a 1/4 mile if that. no sign of reed.. Heard most likely they'll just burn up inside ? so since then I got new reeds replaced all. mine didn't have the little bent pc that I guess hold the reeds down or tight . but ran great before so not sure there really needed ? then this question is about the carbs few things I don't totally understand. one being the dot on the slides don't totally line up in the center no matter if I adjust the cable at the thumb throttle or down below. is this telling me my cable is to long. but keep in mind worked great before. With that said so I sync them to sight both slides move at same time. now if the air screw suppose to be out or flush on inside when this is done then go in and come out a turn and a 1/2 with the screw? or just set the screw to 1 1/2 out then sync the slides ? sorry if dumb but read both ways and then something about a drill bit for a gauge. so I set them up like stated above and kicked it a bunch nothing. checked spark all is good. shot her with starting fluid fired rev high and burned off the fluid a sec or two and died. so messed with adjusting the bottom screw the jet. where should that be set at from the start haven't found much on that. so again tried to fire nothing a little starting and started a sec started to die high rev but not bad and feathered the throttle a bit and stayed going a bit but seen gas leaking out left carb shut her down gonna check the float tomorrow. then check here and see what you thinks going on. oh sorry stock carbs tors removed hemi cool head was told 40 over when bought it kicked a buddies of mines ass on his stock so maybe. lol fmf pipes. don't know what else you need. I read the high rev could be real bad ??? I don't know where this issue falls into play with that but don't wanna mess with it to much. till I asked some questions. ; ) Thanks in advance for your time and patience.
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