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Posts posted by Ayesully810

  1. He never made cylinders. Calvin at CP industries and Harry partnered on the Cheetah and Harry did the R&D and had exclusive rights to them. Motors were coming out making way less then advertised and people wanted other options. So CP created the Cub and DM, etc. Harry still sells the Cheetah cylinders but they are not cheap and they still need a competent builder to set them up.

    Gotchya.  I see now.. What is the difference between the cub and DM cylinders?

  2. Yes. They were more concerned with cool looking Billit instead of producing quality motor work. Dasa stepped in and bought Trinity out. Harry is now running a more scaled down operation now under his own name McDermott Racing. He still owns the rights to the Cheetah cylinder and Banshee exhaust.

    Is he gunna start making cylinders again? or is he currently? How does that work 

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