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Everything posted by iconoclast

  1. Few sled shops in bc? There's a few good sled shop right here in town. My machinist knows his shit, he is capable.
  2. I'll be building it, but I'll let my machinest decide.
  3. What about the bore? It's 65mm now, what should I bore it to?
  4. My budget would be 800 at the most the local shop here has lots of banshee stock of spare parts was hoping I could get a crank and rods.
  5. I bought a banshee with a bad motor super cheap, now comes time to start rebuilding it. This is a budget build, I want to keep it simple. This motor needs a complete rebuild, bottom and top. Hopefully I can find stock crank and rods, but it will need a rebore( it's 65mm). Would it be worth it to go 70? Or just keep small? Thanks
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