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HQ Noob (1/5)



  1. its almost no damage nothing i would be afraid to put an o ring on ... i am just not very familiar with the way that these engines use o rings on main bearings and if they will take up the play that caused the crank seals to fail and that there are hopefully no other problems going on in there to cause them to go
  2. so i am very new to the forum and to the in depth ins and outs of the banshee ... problem ... just bought an 01 banshee was told by previous owner who only had it for a short time that it had been rebuild not long before he bought it ... got it to my shop warmed it up and took it for a spin " i drive everything like i stole it " get back into the garage oil blowing out of the crankcase breather ... bad crank seal install on the rebuild . it happens ... tore it down and found it had some play in the crank before splitting the case ... not happy ... split the case and seen it has a hot rod crank with pro x pistons with two very blown cank seals ... it also appears that it was completely missing the o ring on the stater side and the bearing and cases have minimal wear from spinning bearing ... my major question for some banshee wisdom is will it be ok to put an o ring on and that will be enough to keep it from spinning in the case and cure the crank up and down play that wiped out the seals or is it 100% a must to have the crank and cases taken to a machine shop and have them checked out ???
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