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Posts posted by youngblood

  1. yea they are stock carbs... any idea where i can get the tube? or an alternative :confused:


    it ran fine before i took it apart( besides the fact that gas was flowing out of the overflow tube) there was never a choke tube connecting them... could it simply be leaking because i have no gasket for my bowl?

  2. If they're stock carbs, there is DEFINATELY supposed to be a choke tube between the carbs. On stock carbs, the choke knob pulls out horizontally on the left carb. The right carb noes not have a choke knob

    yea they are stock carbs... any idea where i can get the tube? or an alternative :confused:

  3. yes, assuming the idling and "air sucking" is a new problem (post bowl removal) sounds like when you reinstalled you missed the choke tube....


    That fuel leak should be a simple fix...


    and as motooutcast said... service manual FTW

    i just took the carbs off again and there is no tube to be seen... i called my local powersports store and they said there is no such thing... i kept on pursing and he said to adjust the floats and look at the needle and seat

  4. Is that where it was leaking from or was it the overflow tube? Either way get yourself a couple of carb rebuild kits which are fairly cheap and rebuild them. At the very least change the needles, seats and those gaskets and you won't have that problem anymore. Keep in mind it's always best to disassemble one carb at a time since some of the parts are not interchangeable between carbs. Also it might be a good idea to get yourself a service manual if you don't have one, you can actually download one in the technical section. Just don't forget to put the choke tube back on once you bolt the carbs back up and you might want to sync them after as well.

    thank you very much!!! i will look at choke tube didnt even check to see if it was fastened... the gas leaks out the overflow line but you can see that the bowl on the outside is covered with gas... today i just undid the 4 screws and took out the bowl.. i sprayed carb cleaner through it and either side of the carb and blew compressed air through it really good... put everything back... it still leaks gas and is now not idoling correctly it sounds like it sucking in air and all i can guess is that it might be the two missing bowl gaskets? or even the choke tube like you suggested

  5. Sounds like your float stuck a little... Tap it with the butt of a screwdriver should fix it, if it keeps happening clean your carbs real good and shut the gas off when you put it up

    update ... i ended up taking off the bowl to the carb and there was no gasket... could this be my problem? carb was clean inside

  6. Sounds like your float stuck a little... Tap it with the butt of a screwdriver should fix it, if it keeps happening clean your carbs real good and shut the gas off when you put it up

    the gas has been off ever since... should i take the carbs off when tapping the bowl or it doesnt matter?

  7. Hey guys my names matt im 15 and last week i bought a 1999 yamaha banshee bonestock... It ran great for the first couple days, but when i put it away one night, the next morning a puddle of gas was underneath the quad i took a closer look and its the overflow tube from the left carb... Any help would be appreciated!!! :rolleyes:

    Forgot to add, i removed the rear plastics and airbox and seperated the carb from the reed valve dont know if that helps

  8. Hey guys my names matt im 15 and last week i bought a 1999 yamaha banshee bonestock... It ran great for the first couple days, but when i put it away one night, the next morning a puddle of gas was underneath the quad i took a closer look and its the overflow tube from the left carb... Any help would be appreciated!!! :rolleyes:

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