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Everything posted by brent07

  1. Yes I have a fatty on one side and old gold series on the other. I can't seem to figure out this picture posting bs. So back to the pipes will it hurt anything or should I look for some pipes
  2. I will take some pics tomorrow but I have never tried to post a pic before but I will try also previous owner said it was like that when he bought it he never noticed it and run it for 2 years
  3. No once you look at them they are not identical there is a visible difference between them
  4. ok i did some trading a few months back and ended up with a 2000 banshee that was not running but thanks to some reading on this site and a few questions it runs pretty good now. Today i removed the pipes to try to clean them up a little i noticed that left side had a fmf fatty and right side has the gold series will this hurt anything? Jetting seems to be close to the same am i losing anything by running it like this? thanks
  5. brent07

    clutch lever

    i need a clutch lever stock or the whole deal to get rid of parking brake would be great also thanks
  6. Ok thanks I ordered the sync tool over the weekend while I'm waiting on it I will soak carbs tors is gone but still have the junk on top of carbs I was kinda waiting to make sure carbs were gonna be ok before I ordered delete kit and parking brake I had to unplug it before it would even rev Thanks agiain
  7. I just took them apart and used carb cleaner I didn't have anything to soak them in I will try soaking them. I double checked slides I will check bowls I did them one at a time but could have been swapped before I got it Thanks
  8. ok elev is 350 and around 85 degrees F and i would guess its a 29 pilot
  9. Bought this thing and it had been sitting outside for a year carbs were a mess i cleaned them up good put new choke tube on it runs ok in 1st and 2nd but just falls on its face after that in anything over 1/4 throttle. The carbs had 28 pilot and the mains had no markings at all on either one of them its all stock as far as i can tell except fmf pipes. Also i squirted a little carb cleaner on left carb/intake and idle raised would air leak cause this? what would be a starting spot for jets? If i have to buy intake should i upgrade? Does anyone work stock carbs to get any gain? Lots of questions i know thanks in advance.
  10. ok thanks i would like to wait a few months because i know when i build top end its off to be ported
  11. Just wanted to first say awesome site i traded for a non running 2000 model and after searching post fiqured out it was the parking cable switch so big thanks. I checked the compression and i am getting 100 and 125. Will it be ok for a few months or do i need to go ahead and take it down?
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