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Posts posted by Bkm2006

  1. Check spark. Could be a bad spark plug boot, or even coil. The first thing i bought for mine when i bought it before the rebuild was plug boots. Mine would run on one cylinder, put new boots on and fixed problem. Just cover all the basics, check spark, clean carbs, then sync carbs and so forth.

  2. hows it run now? are you happy? if your short on cash and have a running bike, why not just save your coin till you need a rebuild. and yes if your thinking 4mill already do it the first time! its a lot cheaper to do the 4mill to start with, then if you where to port your stock cylinder for stoke stroke and want 4 mill later. call jeff at fast ... or any sit sponsor you want .. you will need cool head with cut domes for a 4 mill , crank , pistons, your stock cylinder ported for a 4 mill . thats the basics. then you could go into shift shaft mods . pancake bearing. advance timing plate. the list goes on just contact a site sponsor and decide what you can afford and how far you want to go. I will say though i have a stock stroke aggressive dune ported motor by f.a.s.t and it scream.

  3. Wow took my blue labels to the stealership today they were in pretty good shape little surface oxidation nothing big. But the were true and not bent at all. Had a could set of tires so had a set of tires mounted on the blue labels. This is what i got backa6898fea-de9c-e67e.jpga6898fea-deb2-12fd.jpga6898fea-dec3-327e.jpg.....looks like they put the tires on with a sledge hammer. Charged me 40 bucks to mount em. I was even looking at brand new quads for the wife! Never again!!! I told the guy look man u beat my rims to shit im surprise they even hold air. He got shitty with me and told me to payup. Wtf never again!!! Liberty cycle in liberty mo!!!!

  4. Doesnt rev out. Paddle seems to hold it back. I had jeff at fast jet the bike. The day i was leaving for the dunes it was warm weather so i did a plug chop everything looked good maybe a tad rich but bike pulled to the moon. Threw on paddles and went to little sahara. Ok out on the dunes, launching i have to rev it quite a bit and launch. Bike rips out of the hole. But once i get to 5th it still pulls, but not like it does 1st threw 4th. My gearing is stock 14 41. I was going to change front to a 13 but i like how it pulls out if the hole now. So im just going to go down in paddle, and save my 21 10paddle haulers for when i build a 4 mill cub

  5. im running a +4 swing arm. but i looks like rmatv.com has decent prices on 20/10/8 8 paddle... im running 10 paddle now hooks up great and runs great till i hit 5th then i can deff tell i had too much paddle. ill give the 20/10/8 a shot.. whats going to be the big difference between extreme and standard hauler? just weight?

  6. ok stoke stroke aggressive dune port by fast .. i have 21 8 10paddle hauler extremes on blue lables right now and its way too much paddle up top, also cant sling the bike around like i want. Im just mostly dune , maybe a drag race here and there.. im thinking of switching to a sand star or a skat trak edge v design. on the skat trak edge i was thinking 21x12x8 8 paddle.. not sure what id do for sand stars, just need a little help from the pros. i want to be able to hook up pretty good but i dont drag much so id like to still be able to sling my bike around , but need to be able to make it up steep hills and so on...

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