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HQ Noob

HQ Noob (1/5)



  1. He posted a video....and typed out captions from the video. So thats racist? Dude, get a grip. I don't give a flying fuck who you are, or where you are from. I don't care if your parents were rich.......or if you grew up in a cinderblock house. Neither one give you the right to break the laws. You have respect for some idiots who break the law and post their video online? Do you realize how many people laughed their asses off at those idiots in videos like that? Its sad actually, from both aspects. Nothing worse than the damn racial card. Thats the end result of this thread. And if you don't see the DIRECT correlation between education and lawbreaking.......then I think that in itself proves that you need to refrain from posting. Common sense can't be taught, which is sad.......but with proper education, you can develop some sense. And with that, this whole topic would be a non-issue. So 252.......are you trying to say you grew up in poverty? You want some respect? Enjoy your quad, obey the law, stay off the news. You'll get plenty of it. And 252 eh? Where are you, Wilson?
  2. You lost the chance from getting any respect from me with your screen name. More on you below..... Thats the attitude to have! Yeah, if we all say "fuck it" everyone will leave us alone! Not. Congrats, thats how you draw attention to yourself. HAY GUYZ, LETS ALL GET 2GETHR AND DO EELEGAL STUF 2GETHR WIT EACH UTHER, THEN THEY CAINT DO SHIT TO US!!!!!!!!!111111111 There ya go bro. I'm assumin you live in the hood cuz, cawz you sound skrate ghetto. Shit nucca. 1. Yes there is something they can do about you riding in the road, you moron. I know there are 'hoods' in cities and towns, but rest assure any LEO can seize your RUFF RYYDA Banshee out from underneath of you sorry ass attitude. You'll likely get a small fine and pay the county court fees too. The least you'll get from the citation is a misdemeanor. Ask me how I know......and no, I didn't get my quad taken.....I'm on the other side of things. 2. You know what is considered unsafe riding on a public road? Your quad. Period. It doesn't matter what your neighbor thinks, its the law. 3. Yeah cuhhhhhz.........do yo thang. Shit nucca. You again. Fabulous. I see you graduated elementary school at least, awesome. I enjoy trying to decipher your posts. I used Babelfish for most of them.......during translation, the site locked up. Mr big bad ass. And you are e-thuggin too. Really? You figure since you smoked so many spliffs over the years you might not be able to convey your message over the internet........because you are literally stupid, so instead you'd rather talk about it in person. Been there plenty of times, with people like you saying the same thing......over the internet. Its really sad. There is a funny side to it though. I've had people threaten to do all kinds of shit to me over the years......and I have met with a few of them outside of the board. I've always gotten an extended hand for a handshake. I think what needs to happen, is a few of you either need to log out for a couple of years.......or maybe even get banned. When you and some others decide to finally take your Ritalin as prescribed, come back......and have civil discussion, instead of trying to be such an e-badass. I was almost in tears from laughing when I read your reply above. Ah, another load that should have been swallowed. One day,when you grow up.......you'll do just the same thing. Hopefully you'll look in the mirror and yell "FUCK YOU!!!!" to yourself then. Wow......
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