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About Jaystre

  • Birthday 08/10/1985

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  • Location
    Inkerman-Ferry NB Canada

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  • My Banshee (optional)
    2001 black 4 mill coolhead 21 cc domes ,oversize radiator ,high flow impeller ,fmf sst pipes ,powercore 2 silencers ,tors remove ,k&n pods

Jaystre's Achievements

HQ Soldier

HQ Soldier (2/5)



  1. yes ill have to try this ...but it seems like its bogging a bit half throttle needle is in the middle slot . it would be already too rich ?
  2. timing is at +4 ... don't really have access to race gas but maybe avgas
  3. no tors ... motor passed leak down test and compression 155 psi ,squish is at .042 , sea level . its blowing o-rings and backing out plugs
  4. how would i go about tuning it? ... a plug chop wont tell me if its lean on the needle
  5. Is it possible to be lean on the needle but not on the main ? like it would be slightly detonating at half throttle but at full throttle be fine.
  6. 22 cc domes ,4 mill ,155 compression .squish in the 40 range
  7. http://i1199.photobucket.com/albums/aa473/Jaystre1985/006.jpg http://i1199.photobucket.com/albums/aa473/Jaystre1985/007.jpg http://i1199.photobucket.com/albums/aa473/Jaystre1985/008.jpg
  8. ill get pics tomorow ...yes it was torqued properly ,ive already had issues with deto and plugs backing out before and blown o-rings . so i installed a thicker base gasket and it solved the plugs backing out . and now its still blowing o-rings and a piece of dome
  9. its not melted off ...the domes seem fine except that broken part . these were domes cut for a 4 mill
  10. it is a dome with a o-ring groove ...didnt put that much grease i would think . piston and cylinder are fine but the o-ring on the other dome was starting to break up at the same spot above the exhaust port...ill try to get pics . bore is 64.5
  11. broke a small piece of the inner lip that holds the o-ring in place ,just above the exhaust port about 1/2 wide . what couldve cause this?
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