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    New Orleans, LA
  • Interests
    Banshee's and rock crawling JEEPs

terminator-92's Achievements

HQ Noob

HQ Noob (1/5)



  1. Thats one sick looking LT, looks alot better than the yellow and blue that for sure.
  2. Damn. I didn't think it lasted that long, thats very good to know.lol. I thought you had to rebuild them like every three years even with good maintinance. It makes me feel a hell of a whole lot better buying a nice quad now. Thanks for the info.
  3. hmm.I guess I will look for a shee thats in good running condition. The only thing I was worried about was the bottom end because I definitely dont want that to go out while im riding .And of course the top end grenading . How often does the bottom end need to be rebuilt.
  4. Well unless I am positive they have rebuilt the engine correctly I will be rebuilding it to make sure i know the engine is not going to fail on me. And mostly everything else will change because I want to set it up form mx racing.
  5. "you should tell him its proven to be extremely reliable when taken care of properly. just make sure you get one that's taken care of well and youll be off to a good start" I was actually thinking about buying a beater and rebuilding it myself but have a little question. If i buy a new top end kit do i have to bore the cylinder? All i can find online is top end kits for bored cylinders.
  6. Thanks for that fast reply but damn I cant believe I put "file". But plenty of my cousins owned 2 stroke but they did not keep up on maintenance and fouled plenty of plugs.My cousins friends had a banshee and told my dad they were "double trouble" having to tune carbs instead of just one, so im positive that didn't help. But I am going to show him this thread ; hopefully it will change his mind.
  7. Hello, Im 17 years old and finally have enough cash to buy a banshee. A banshee has been like a dream quad ever since I can remember but i have one small problem. My dad absolutely hates 2 stroke he thinks they are junk and do nothing but file plugs . But i have been reading on this site for about a year now and realize this is due to jetting, but is a 2 stoke THAT much more maintenance then a 4 stroke. I need some proof to prove to him a banshee is a good quad. Thanks
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