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banshee eater

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Everything posted by banshee eater

  1. your banshee is a peice of shit ,thats what you call ugly it looks like a wanna be dune buggy ,I'll smoke that hitiest thing
  2. your banshee is a peice of shit ,thats what you call ugly it looks like a wanna be dune buggy ,I'll smoke that hitiest thing
  3. suck my dick 2ki banshee I'll piss on your banshee too,you don't know power what do you have a blaster with no motor..
  4. Hey mike dick ,it would be a joke racing your all noise little twin bucket of a banshee and after I beat it i'll piss on it,you don't know power unless you ride a quadzilla ,and the rest of you bone heads don't know shit about reliablity,my zilla has a brand new motor and doesn't have the 5 head bolts it has the 6 head bolts ,the 87 was the only year with the head gasket and crank problems why do you think they made them 4 years cause cause people could not tame the monster and were riding them threw houses, it was funny when I raced 2/2 many cause the first time I beat him was a joke,the second time I let him in front till I railed him in on a wheelie I could'v rested my 2 front wheels on your back instead i went around you pretty easily ,form a dead stop it would be even wors for ya ,a stroker kit and carbs you may stay with me ,but by then i'll be up to 130hp ,I'm on here to state the facts ZILLA BEATS BANSHEE...........REST MY CASE.....NOW TAKE THIS GAY BANSHEE FORUM AND POUR HP2 ON IT
  5. tell ya the truth I think the lt has a better aproch and looks way more serious then a banshee ,my lt looks like dark vader and also my lt told me yesterday that it's not social time lets get on with it .....live and learn
  6. well here's the truth about 2/2 many banshee's post ,bet he never thought I would see this forum I'm the guy with the 88 lt500 let see today is the jan 13 of 2010 all the shit my boy is talking about his banshee beating my quadzilla I'll tell you what I got it all together and finally brought it to his house to race on black top firts he takes his all bark of a 660 raptor out of the shed we went threw the woods and played in the snow until it was time to feed off that black top,we lined up and bolted off and fairly easy it took the raptor right way from it leaving it way behind I must say I smoked it more then once thumbs up on that one,now things are changing and now is heading towards the shed to get the screaming banshee with it's very loud cpi's we get them both in the street ,he never got even 1first gear on me I lit that banshee up I must of been doin 90 mph,so on the scond time around I let him get in front of me to see how much power and speed the lt actually had I swear I railed him right back in and walked right by him on the left side of him ,put it this way the lt500 is on a higher level of speed and power it's common sence it's the fastest production quad ever made, so theirs your answer banshees and raptors are not goin to beat the lt500 ,my quadzilla is bored to a 580 stage 2 port job fmf power core stock reeds and a 38mm mukuni race carb,and theirs much more I can do to it............thanx banshee eater..........their you go justin I answer all your qestiones for u...thats funny doin alot of research on the lt
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