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About chaos1488

  • Birthday 12/16/1971

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  • Location
    Tucson, AZ

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  • My Banshee (optional)
    443 7mil 34mm pjs on alky w/ dial a jet +2 metal tech frame +10 metal tech swingarm cpi stingers extreme drag port and polish 2-5 override shaved and ported head +7 timing all chrome and polish

chaos1488's Achievements

HQ Noob

HQ Noob (1/5)



  1. We are in the process of building a 300 ft. sand drag strip here in Tucson for ATV sand drags for an event we are gonna throw in november. we have all the dimensions except for the braking/shut down area length...can anyone tell me what the minimum requirements or recommendations are please. THX
  2. gettin ready to shoot $100 hill at the cinders for labor day....YAY ME

  3. arctic cats are used quite a bit in drag frames for sand hill and strip. rotax also makes a strong motor..yes it has most definately been done before. the drives i have seen come way out the left side of the bike and to the back a bit and are torquey as hell. it is quite common though. more than you think...google and you tube it..youll see.thats about all i can tell ya.hope it helps even if just a little.
  4. no doubt...gonna have some pics and vids ill upload when i get back for sure
  5. thx for the input bro..tore apart the carbs and cleaned em up piece by piece...good to go now.
  6. sheefreak..so you were right..and after talking to greg at wcr i tore the carbs apart and lo and behold there was a chunk of rubber in a float bowl..i disassembled both piece by piece and cleaned them up. after tuning them and syncing them i put her back together and she fired up nice and sweet. no more choke style rev either..which was a prob i was sometimes experiencing. the gives me that nice crisp zing when i rev her up and sounds so viscious...thanks for all your input.cant wait to go shoot "hundred dollar hill" at the cinders in northern az this weekend.thx again
  7. I replaced my fuel lines and checked the sync in my carbs..it did not do this until the methanol rotted the lines. new lines.. carbs in sync ..carb caps screwed down...started her up and she idled real nice so when i hit the kill she kept running and then revd like a bitch again till i pulled the carb off. i have a trip planned for the weekend and dont wanna blow her up. this is driving me nuts.
  8. today when i started my banshee it started to rev as if wide open without my help and i had to rip a carb off to get it to quit..ive heard of this so i knew what to do to get it to stop, but why the hell would it do this?...was one or both of my carbs not getting any fuel and running off what was was left in the bowls?
  9. That is almost exactly what it is..only the one in the link is so damn pretty..lol...mine is primitive...air mixture screw with a spring but the same thing. mine is a lil old school i guess but works just the same...so give me the skinny on them please
  10. yes...and it IS on the carb intake between the carb and the filter and is a power jet so im told..lol...again..this level is new to me. Talked to doug from d and m who built this beast...he says the dial a jet would have little if anything to do with launch. he says even though i am geared for oldsmobile hill at glamis 16/46 I should only go down to a 15 on the front for a flat 300 ft. otherwise with the power this thing makes anything smaller and i will over rev and certainly destroy something other than my competition..lol...went and got a new 15 tooth renthal today and am gonna put it on tomorrow...will run it sunday. you guys who have put up with me today are awesome and i will keep you poseted with times and links after sunday and in the future..thx again.
  11. no im only 220..lol..the dial a jet is a air mixture screw that is inserted in the intake of the carb between the air filter and the carb..it allows for adjustments on the fly without having to tear apart the carb for rejetting. went out and rechecked it and one screw was turned out a full turn more than the other. not sure how i missed that this weekend as im sure i checked it. i'll be a little embarrassed if that was it, but hey we tune and we learn right?
  12. hillshooting at Buttercup in Glamis and flat dragging here in tucson. The jetting for glamis has always run just fine here in Tucson. Now that I have the Dial-a-jet maybe theres a difference. guess I will re sync and retune. The clutch is fine.I am sure of that. will retune and fine tune and get back to you this weekend...Thank you very much and again any and all input is deeply appreciated.
  13. chaos1488


    I'm fairly new to drag racing and ask alot of questions...its important to have good poeple who will help with this kind of stuff because its in their nature...the guys here in arizona are all wound so tight and dont seem to waana part with even some advise unless i pull out my credit card so i deeply appreciate any and all help...thx
  14. chaos1488


    everything else seems to be fine...launch in first and clutch to second hooks great just a crappy way to start and lose lengths...launch in second gets a pause/bog then gets up and rips...maybe 13/42 or 43?
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