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HQ Noob

HQ Noob (1/5)



  1. Is helldriver angelripper? I'm making a list
  2. At first we had an asshole, Now we have a honda asshole. I want my mommy
  3. Put your money where your mouth is dipshit
  4. Ya, I know. But I jus lost my mother a few weeks ago to a Dui, I guess I am a little edgy. She used to love watching me ride
  5. I never sign up to sites cause of stupid assholes like ripper. WTF is wrong with people
  6. My moms dead Asshole! Man, You are asking for it!
  7. I'd love for you to try, hell, I will bring my bumper with me to set your dumbass straight!
  8. Or I can turn his girlfriend ito his ex. But he is prolly Gay
  9. You wont have time to duck, hell, your slow ass will never ever be infront of me. Your prolly sum sorta pit squid
  10. Not as much trouble as you will be when I jam that pipe up your ass!
  11. If sumbody pulled that shit in front of me, Id pull off their mangled ass pipe and club them like a baby seal. Your a punk, Sorry guys, longtime lurker, but some people jus make me so angry. I think my banshee is faster without the bumper.
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