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Angel ripper

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Posts posted by Angel ripper

  1. Sure seems like a nice thread to me, instead of wasting my time PMing everybody the smart thing to do was to start a thread and showing everyone at the same time that i'm not the only one that gets annoyed by it. Stop getting bent out of shape about it. It's the internet bro, the internet!

    You need to see the crying thread that is pinned


    wahh wahh

  2. Oh BTW "They live" Sucked balls more than Roddy's Wrastlin' career. But all bs aside I would buy a boost bottle. Here is the one I was thinking of getting>>> Boost bottle

    Come on ,they live was good, espically the fight scene between roddy and that black guy


    and that other boost bottle , why would you want that, you can't prove it works or not :biggrin: :laugh:

  3. for stock bumpers, the stock banshee one is one of the toughest, better than the ones you get on these new 450s, and the stock ones look good too. ive seen a few people add some extra peices to the stocker and to make them stronger and keep the stock look

  4. actually, yea, my friends.. thanks for asking,, you dumb mother fucker


    and yes i have a front bumper, a dented up stock one..

    and chrome side cover? arnt they all billet alum? why would u want steel covers?

    So, you're saying your bumper did it's job.

    ok, gotcha

  5. Ok let's break this down into sylables bro. Sta-tor cov-er now put them all together......Stator cover, you don't call your bumper "The front cover" do ya? Or the head a "Cyclinder cover"?

    yeah ,umm a side case cover

  6. yeah and i'm sure you know of one person that it ripped the boots


    stop just going along with others say

    think for yourself man



    i bet you don't have a front bumper either


    and i bet you have a gay chrome side case cover that adds weight

  7. maybe i should not spend 30 bucks for a boost bottle that gives you a cheap dose of bling. id rather just throw away 300 bucks on a gay chrome side case cover that does nothing but add weight



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