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Posts posted by some87

  1. had that with one of my paddle tires on blue label rims..i took a pipe wrench and beat the bead in about an inch all the way around the rim.it holds air great now lol


    :yelrotflmao: turns out i have a leak too and no holes in the tire ether

  2. well there is more to the video that makes it more funny but i couldnt find it just a bunch of these ones with the crappy righting. sorry didnt know it was posted befor

  3. ok guys i havent had an atv since i was a little kid but now i just got a shee a few days ago and just wanted to know some basics of jumping before i go out and try jumping and land on my ass. any help would be appreciated.

  4. I have an ac bumper that im using right now but planned on getting a diff. one anyway the bottom is bent in a little from hitting the ground. Still mounts up at all 4 spots good. like to get $15 or so.


    I know i have a cpl stockers that are a little dented up and that you could have for whatever shipping is.



    Tshee i have a hotrods in nice shape from running motor i sent you a pm from your ad.



    Mat Dont really need anymore parts at the moment. Maybe a cool head thats about it. Need the cash for bills more though :biggrin:



    wow cool dude let me wait till i get payed on the 27th then ill send you some money for the stock one.

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