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banshee mike

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  • My Banshee (optional)
    2001 black and red banshee tommie pipes vforce 3 reads lots of extras

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HQ Noob

HQ Noob (1/5)



  1. i know im putting it on craigslist next year and im bying a yfz 450
  2. hey guys whats up i have a yamaha warrior it has a fmf powercore 4 slip on with the stock header i was just wondering whats the best bolt on i can buy that will make a difference in the performance and im not boreing my motor so just looking for some fast easy performance parts?
  3. ya man im intrested but is it the same piston size as the stock piston because my motor isnt bord or anything its all stock so ya ill get that piston and rings of your hangs but do you have an email or phone number?
  4. well my motor is a 87 but we run 10w 40 in it i run a ngk plug to but i think the motor just needs a rebild and could i do a piston and ring rebild by my self i work on old cars but is it a difficult job?
  5. thanks for replying and do you know how much a nice set of rings and a piston would cost and should i replace the valves why im doing the piston work and how much do some good valves cost?
  6. ok i have a yamaha warrior and it is really fast many extras stays up with my friends banshee but its burning alot of oil can anybody help me thanks
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