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HQ Noob

HQ Noob (1/5)



  1. v force reeds pro circuit pips 18cc domes airfilter.... does it matter wat size carb to upgrade too? or does the jets do all the fuel changes ... and do i need a different reed cage piece ... please help fellas ... trying to get this banshee a lil quicker
  2. no fuel to the cylinders!!!! if i shoot a lil gas in the intake shell fire and die quickly ne one have an idea on why my fuel wont get to the cylinders? ps carvs were apart 10 times super clean
  3. no fuel to the cylinders!!!! if i shoot a lil gas in the intake shell fire and die quickly ne one have an idea on why my fuel wont get to the cylinders? ps carvs were apart 10 times super clean
  4. hahah duhhhhhhh lotta help u were .. it was just a test to c if it wuld run and its def a fuel problem
  5. my banshee will not suck in gas through the carbs..... carbs r cleaned ... brand new v force reeds.... brand new top end... it just doesnt seem to wanna suck gas through.... the carbs are fiilled w gas and floats are reset .... i culd shoot a little ether in the intake and she fires right up.... please help me u guys seem to know urshit
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