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Everything posted by ephollen

  1. Went out riding today and ran perfectly all day! Thanks for all the input. I will try to take my carbs apart this weekend and inspect/clean everything and go from there. Thanks again for everyones input. This site kicks a**
  2. Checked tors wiring and looks fine, it's been disconnected and wiring looks in good shape. Anyone else?
  3. Yeah I know the gap is set correctly I checked that but I did not think of the tors wiring. I will check that today. Thanks.
  4. Wasn't sure to put this question here or jetting. So anyway my bike will start up fine and run for awhile and then all of a sudden it will die like it loses spark. Sometimes it will start right back up and sometimes it will take a few minutes to get it running again. Also when it starts to die sometimes i will pull my clutch in and it will stay running but sometimes that doesn't work at all. It seems like most of the time that it happens is when I am on the throttle pretty hard. It is just so damn random. I am not sure if there is a possible short in my wiring or maybe the carbs are running out of gas. My mods are Vito's hemi head, 34mm pj's, timing advanced +4, K&N pods. Bought the bike a couple months ago and I can go all day without it dying and then the next day it might do it 3-4 times, sometimes consequetively. Please Help!
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