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yamaharider c-ville

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yamaharider c-ville's Achievements

HQ Noob

HQ Noob (1/5)



  1. Heyy metricmaster next time you go racing tell me so i can maybe go so i can try to beat BLASTERMAN :ninja: :ninja:
  2. Nice videos Mags. I'm glad to see you got me racing( and losing :sad: ). All in all I'm glad someone finly got that on hq. Thanks :beer: :beer: :beer:
  3. wrong person logged in take me off your friends list

  4. take me off your friends list

  5. i am looking for a stock shee. runing or blown up. for $1,000 or less.
  6. back in the days of three-wheelers, me and my cuz were riding our honda 70s. well we were in the trails and my cuz got out first and then turned around to go back and didnt see me and we had a head on. we were ok but my atc had a bent shifter.
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