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Everything posted by Bhambansheeman02

  1. compression is even in both cylinders about 149 psi, I was wondering I live in MA being that the weather is all over the place could the problem be water in my fuel? of in the carb?
  2. I must admit I didn't check to see if i had spark, But wouldn't the plug be wet when i pull it out?
  3. I'm a noob and I have a question that searching doesn't really seem to answer. I recently rebuilt my banshee and I have white smoke pouring out of the right pipe, And the pipe doesn't seem to get hot, I cant hold my hand on it after 10-15 minutes of running. I rode it and it seems to ride fine, only had it a short while so I might not be able to see a difference. My coolant level hasn't dropped, My trans fluid is new and the level hasn't dropped, I cut of the tors system that was giving me grief right after the rebuilt, And I believe the jetting is correct. You can pull the plug wire off the right side and the bike will run, If you remove it from the left side and reconnec the right it wont even try to start. The plugs look normal no build up, I haven't checked the compression but I will tomorrow night or sat, I was just wondering if anyone knows what could be wrong. I read it might be the crank seal but that seems unlikely due to no oil loss. Thanx for you help guys
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