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HQ Noob (1/5)



  1. bump to see if it will be going up for sale?
  2. bandit - if you're interested, i am located in cincy. i would be willing to take it off your hands for 1700 this weekend if you would like. PM me if you're interested.
  3. can you tell me how far you are from any point along the western border of ohio? I am interested in the bike, but would depend on cost associated with delivery
  4. yes, bike is immaculate other than the bumper. what are these years selling for typically? i've been away from banshee's for about 5 years now, and like i mentioned before, the last one i had was farily heavily modified. i've never had a stock bike. i'm looking to be able to ride it for a year, and not lose any money on it. can i do that at 2500?
  5. Hey guys - First time posting here. I have the opportunity to purchase a 2003 stock banshee for 2500 dollars. it only has 15-20 hours on it, and am unsure what they are bringing these days. the bike is immaculate condition other than a little wear on the front bumper (which could be replaced). the bike only has pips and aftermarket rear tires and rims on it. i used to own a ice drag banshee, but have been out of the game for so long i dont know what these bring now-a-days. is this a safe buy? i want to be able to drive it for a year and then off. what do you think?
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