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sgt seth

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Posts posted by sgt seth

  1. Okay, so a small transmission cooler? And it will plug straight into the primary lines? If I could find one slightly larger than the stock Wolverine filter I'll be fine, because the secondary oil cooler is usually for stroked Wolvy's.. But going up from an 83mm to an 89mm bore is a big change and want to make sure I dont damage the engine.

  2. I am modding my Yamaha Wolverine 350. I am putting a 400cc bbk on it, HMF, K&N with outy, Wolvy Hotcam, Warn 424 and a few other mods. Mickey at FST has a secondary oiler cooler, and I shot a PM to him on Highlifter. He told me he could ship it but I'd have to send my CC numbers over that to him or call, and its impossible to call. So I have been wondering what another good place to order one would be. Any suggestions would be great, since I am getting it all set up to build in March. Thanks guys ----seth

  3. I smoke between 3/4 and a pack of Camel Lights over here. I quit before I got deployed, came here and started again. Back home I was smoking Camel Light Wides before I quit. And every now and then I'll dip when I have to sit in a truck for over 5 hours

  4. I've been looking into this more. The input here is great, and I know the obsolete thing is just gonna have to happen. But I just want the best out there. I'm gonna be getting the best I can, found out I have a 'relative' I guess you'd call it that is awesome with computers, just not the most reliable person. Gotta see if I can make him build me one, and if not who knows.. Time always tells.

  5. I'm with Loco, IV's the way to go. I'd keep a good stock of IV bags in my apt for the day after. Give yourself a stick in the leg and tape the bag to your thigh. Good to go. Just make sure you get all the air outta the IV bag before you leave it on to drain completely cuz who knows how long you will have to leave that fucker in there.


    Thats just the Army Medic way to do things. One Liter of normal saline or lactated ringers. Cant do the B12 crap anymore, too many drug control rules an regs on all that shit.

  6. So I am getting ready to go home, and I have a few coins to play with. I have been looking through PC's on ebay, the Whitebox computers that are custom made. Any suggestions on what to look for? I have a CyberPower Laptop right now, I like it but I want something a little quicker. I dont play a whole lotta games on PC but I do use it for video's and such. I dont need an Alienware or anything, nothing that spectacular. I do need something that will be able to be networked so that I can transfer shit from my laptop to my desktop for school and such. I also do alot of video crap on it. Making video's of slideshows and video clips, but the software is easy to find. I want something that wont be so outdated that it will be useless in 3 months, something that I can use for a lil while.


    Also when is Vista coming out or is it already? I haven't really been paying attnetion to that stuff, kind of outta the computer world lately.



    Any suggestions would be great. Just looking for the CPU, can get a monitor and crap like that pretty cheap. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you



  7. Man that mother fuckers neck is worn the fuck out. He grew about 8 inches today. And didn't have to take any miracle pill.


    And in response, no the violence and everything is not going to slow down any over here with the way our Government is as well as their own. As said in an above post, December has been the worst month THIS year, but does anyone remember the beginning of the month? Perhaps the Iraq Report sounds familiar? The week after that came out 35 troops were killed.


    Hell I"m sittin here right now in B-town and I just heard one hell of a fire fight about a mile off. Nothings getting calmer over here. They just keep getting more confidence when the people they are fighting are have no backing by our own government. Thats my .02 tho, and I am sure I will be told I'm wrong, I just know that I am living this first hand.


    Doesn't help also that his execution came on the last day of the Hajj, where all the prilgrims are at Mecca chillin out walking around their holy shrine. They did that on purpose because its a mainly Shi'ite holiday, and Sadam was Sunni. This signifies the main split in the two religions. Waaay back when it happened.. So for him to be excuted on this day that the Shi'ites hold as one of their holier days, its very significant and the Sunni insurgency will say shit about it all and blow shit up just to show they are pissed.



  8. Yeah I'm pretty damned thrilled. I'm lucky and my brother is my best friend. So we are really close and I wll hopefully get to be a huge part in that childs life!! Im just happy. I've gotten alot of bad news from home since being here. His wife just lost their niece a few days before xmas.. So it will be great when they get to tell the family that something good has happened lately. I gotta start picking out a little fourwheeler for if I find out its a boy tho. Gotta start planning to spoil it young! HAha.


    I just wish I could see the look on my parents face when my bro gives them the "You're gonna be a Grandparent" gifts!! That is gong to be priceless!! Hahahaha.

  9. So yeah, talked to my brother online last night. He told me that I'm gonna be uncle seth!! Its great. I love hearing life being given, rather than taken. Hes the oldest and its just us two. I'm just excited as hell. I konw alot is going to change tho.


    I lived with him before I got deployed, and awhile back his gf moved in with him, they got engaged while I was here, and then they got married without anyone knowing besides their parents and me. Going to have a big To-Do when I get home and now after she has the child. I get to be the best man, and an uncle! Its great. I have to move outta the house now tho, alots changed in 15 months.


    Gotta be more responsible too. :D I love it. I'm seriously stoked and didn't know who to tell so you all get it. I told them to name it after me or let me deliver it, but they said no to both so I am gonna have to get shot in the leg now and blame them so I can guilt them into it. MWAHAHAAA! J/k


    Thanks for readin! :)


  10. I run with a Tippmann A-5 with response trigger. Have a 4.5in drop foward on it, the Flatline, double trigger, new bolt, all sorts of stuff. I run hpa outta 92/4500. I love the gun, all you need to do is put a smaller barrel on it ad you a good speedball gun. Been looking into shrouds and stuff for the flatline to make it look more tactical.


    What kind of pb do you play? I'm mainly into woods scenario

  11. I gave the focks a list of what I wanted for xmas/birthday and told them not to rush. I wont be home until March and my 21st is next month so why not roll it all into one, and I stand a better chance of getting more when its not holiday time. ;) I'm an evil evil son.


    And my internet keeps screwing up so I'm getting mad cuz I cant watch them unwrap presents. :banghead:

  12. hey fellas i have a 05 sportsman 500 and i went mud bogging today and i got it stuck pretty bad.. well we finally get it out and it won't go forword or reverse.. is it because the belt got real wet? there was also alot of mud so could thre be mud in it or from it being wet? or do i have a problem? i couldn't take a look at it cause it was dark out so i have to see what happened tomorrow. thanks guys



    Do you have any snorkles on your bike? Definately need to drain everything. I dont know Polaris that well, I run a Yammie Wolverine and my bro runs a Honda Rincon, but I know you have to snorkel the crap outta those CVT. Is the bike going into gear and just not moving or is it not going into gear at all? When you put it in gear, if it goes in, can you wind it up and hear what you think is the belt slipping? Or what?


    Best bet is to jump on over to www.highlifter.com/forum and jump on the polaris board to see if anything has been said.

  13. My either grade yar i got suspended twice and then expelled on the last day of school. First suspension was for pedeling 'speed' which was an aleeve I had for baseball practice.. Then I tore someones shoe off thru the rungs of a staircase an threw it at them, then to get suspended they finally had enough of me, on the last day of school I gave my buddy a titty twister, and he hollered out FUCK and i told him he couldn't say fuck in school, and a bitch teacher heard and had a fit, kinda talked back callin her a few nasty words, then got kicked out and told they would arrest me if I ever came back on their property..


    Funny thing was our high school soccer field was on their property, so 2 months later there I was.

  14. Eh, its just aggrivating. I take it personal. I technically cannot be awarded the award, being a medic I recieve the combat medical badge when shit goes down. Just pisses me off when ppl go around doin that shit just to get awarded, like its a fucking joke. People die over here every day.. Shit the first week of Dec, after the damn dems put out the Iraq Report we lost 35 in one fucking week. Piss pour planning to show the hajji's that our own gov't doesn't support our asses.


    But yeah, the units we are with now are a little green, we are the vets, been here for almost 10 months. Almost time to come home baby!! Cant wait.

  15. So yeah, I'm not in the happiest of moods. As some of you know, I'm deployed to Baghdad. We were on a mission last night, doing a simple convoy escort, got shot at by some Iraqi Police, you know, the good guys as the media would put it. Well I'm incharge of the last gun truck, doing my thing and we roll through the checkpoint and it starts happening. Couldn't see the guy, all that crap, no shots returned no injuries.


    Well, when stupid crap like that happens we have to go talk about it to higher ups, just to let them know how it went and stuff. Did that just now, the following evening. Well it was concentrated on last four trucks, no visible damage reported when we got to where we were going that night. Then at the debrief, two women were in the entire convoy, paired up together. They fuckin went on saying how their truck was hit, they saw the rounds impacting with ricocheting and all that horseshit, saw the sparks, yet their tanker behind the cab got hit. Up armored vehicles fucking suck for visibilty. And they said nothing of the sort once we reached our destination.. They are just making shit up to try an get a combat action badge, something that should mean something, awarded to people who get blown up and shit. We've had quite a few awarded for roadside bombs and crap like that, the shit that really matters.


    Why do they try and do that crap? It was only them, the people the fire was concentrated on didnt care, just htat everyone was safe, yet the two women who were teamed together were in the front of the area, and called shit up. It pisses me off. They want to get a fucking award that two of our soldiers recieved posthumously.... I hate it and I dont feel all women need to stay stateside, I've known some bad ass women over here rockin a .50 cal machine gun. But they get given a bad name by these devilwomen who are doin shit like this!



    ARHGHGGGG!! I hate it.


    And thats the end of my pointless rant. -s

  16. I'm sorry to hear that man. Definately. I thought I got hosed on an eBay bike but I believe it was delievered today. I just purchased a pair of cyls from Big Blue on here. I dont really care how long they've been around, if I dont konw personally I will ask someone for some cred before I buy. Definately a good idea to start doing.. Find some wise old asshole of the boards like I did, right loco? Always can ask one of them, they love helping out an know their shit

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