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Everything posted by hotrod

  1. oh really? this is coming for a teenager with no balls thinking its cool to talk shit behind a screen? come on now get something better to try and insult me with, thats lame. best you can do is try and assume bullshit and its quite obvious you can do nothing else. must be because you're an indigent piece of shit that lives at home with his parents and has no respect for people. come up with some better shit kiddo.
  2. yeah whats funny is how ignorant you actually are. please assume more son its quite amusing, you're only making yourself look like a moron.
  3. naw done said i'm not bigred, but we do have a couple things in common. he has red hair and so do i, he has a degree in computer engineering, i have a degree in computer networking systems, but still pretty close. i have nothing against bigred or chase so i figured i'd give them both a hand on taking out the trash.
  4. obviously you're another newbie that doesn't know shit about computers eh? its no program little man, its what you call sql injection, might wanna learn whats going on before running your cum guzzler. seems they must care as much as you do as you're pretty upset about it to type text my way.
  5. naw, sql injection is great, one reason i love php so well.
  6. let her say something else, she'll get banned.
  7. another one bites the dust
  8. naw i'm not bigred, i'm hot rod, and please stop with the ignorance of typing hax0r, that shit is lame. now if you wanna play we can play, you aren't gonna like the end result so don't push it little girl. no he shouldn't say shit, deal with the text like a big girl and quit pouting.
  9. naw, i will do more than that. and i'm not making them apologize because a few seemed to attack them over dumb shit, like the signature for instance, that signature isn't bothering anyone. so the guy likes to smoke pot, big deal, not hurting your life any. yeah his signature is alittle too big i agree, but still no reason to attack someone. maybe if someone asked nicely he might fix it. now he might make dumb posts, but again, how is it bothering you? last but not least, just because someone associates with another doesn't make them a loser, so people are just trashing this board with useless bullshit. now i am a cool, nice guy to get along with, but people on this board should learn how to grow up. btw what dipshit made the red on the head comment, as i have red hair and am offended. i don't wanna go read through the whole thread again, so if anyone knows let me know, thanks.
  10. naw nobody knows me here as i am new to this forums, but people acting childish really bothers me, they need to act their age not their shoe size. that kid(blue duece) doesn't need to call someone a newbie as its really lame and uncalled for as i could call him a newbie as you can see what happened to him . i am just trying to lay the message out to people that can't behave as its not tolerated. it seems to me a few people here have a thing for shit talking when people leave thinking its cool, but as its quite obvious they have no balls. now as to what will happen to you, i won't say, as talk is cheap and action is where its at, i'd rather show you as tell you. now as i started before people need to grow up and say they're sorry to chase and bigred both, as there will be conseqences if not.
  11. i'm hot rod, and no i personal posted that message myself. now keep it up and you're next, as you see people you don't really know you never know what they're capable of. like me for instance, now i hate abusing my knowledge for bad but the kiddy shit has to stop. its lame and immature. have a nice night.
  12. i'm always open for donations, if you wanna throw some my way.
  13. yeah seeing as its all i got at the moment.
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