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About crxtrixxx

  • Birthday 10/14/1985

Contact Methods

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Profile Information

  • Location
    New Jersey
  • Interests
    Things with Motors.....and slippery pink holes

Previous Fields

  • My Banshee (optional)
    White 06' With Mods

crxtrixxx's Achievements

HQ Noob

HQ Noob (1/5)



  1. i have a 06 white many mods lmk crxtrixxx@yahoo.com
  2. TOOK My shee for a ride let me tell you guys GEARS GO IN LIKE BUTTER!!!! VERY GOOD STUFF BIG CHANGE
  3. I Keep hearing good things and bad things all over I heard Redline is better but i don't know i never used it cant wait to run it just waiting for the weather to break a little besides i gotta grease everything up anyway first
  4. Didnt know where exactly to post this..... Just changed my oil and put in the Royal Purple 75-90 anybody try this stuff if so feedback would be very much appreciated and im thinking about runninh the Fuel MIX with this
  5. MOTUL Good stuff Gonna try royal purple put it in my CAR Streetbike and just did a change on my She with the royal purple synthetic 75-90 so far so good
  6. NJ 08088 <- Just off rt-206/rt-70 circle im minutes from chattsworth never paid to ride hehehe
  7. This thread got out of hand to everyone who asked about it im not selling anymore ill see you all around somewhere im sure
  8. Bump anyone interested local sale test drive so you dont believe the hype bike is in brand new condition with plenty of upgrades all new title in hand soon, just waiting for it. i made last payment a week ago
  9. my username on ebay is crxtrixxx asshole dont give me any negativity on the HQ when you dont even know me jackass WTF is this shit im selling to local people so they see what they buy i hate ignorant stupid fucks
  10. i have the same a arms and mine are great never had a problem with them
  11. i dunno bought any of that all i know is it has lifetime lol and as long as life is still in my time im gettin it replaced for free or whoever buys the quad what they gonna know all they know is the bike has their product
  12. the swing arm,axle,and a-arms are lifetime warranty
  13. Its a 2006 White Banshee got it New from dealer in '06 -K&N INTAKE kit -Boysen Reeds -FMF Goldseries Fatty pipes with silencers -Lonestar Swingarm -Durablue Axle w/hubs & Locknut -Front & Back ITP rims W/Maxxis tires - Ishock hydro dynamics Arms +1 +2 -Works Coilover Suspension FRONT AND BACK -AC NERF BARS -UNDER ARMOR Protector forgot brand -TM DESIGN WORKS ROLLER KIT -AC FRONT BUMPER ONLY RIDE IT ON SUNDAYS IN 70+ Weather and in off time i start it from time to time, change fuel etc I PUT ALL NEW STUFF ON EVERYTHING IS LIKE NEW I USED LOCKTIGHT MADE SURE IT WAS DONE RIGHT NOTHING IS RIGGED I ONLY USED PREMIUM GAS AND I USED MOTUL 2CYCLE OIL
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