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Posts posted by woodro77

  1. I am the same way. My Blackberry that I need for work spent two days in the refrigerator one time (don't ask, I have no idea how I manage to set it in there). :banghead:

    :yelrotflmao: :yelrotflmao: :yelrotflmao:


    my wife found the tv remote in the fridge not too long ago .

  2. You're right. How did you remember that? That was a ways down the list of threads. Is this the same guy that came over from the Project Blaster web site and started posting weird threads with a picture of some guy in them?


    If your VIN is gone, the frame is probably stolen, or the VIN has been switched to another frame. There are ways to put it back on if you have a title, but I doubt you'd be interested in them.



    i cant remember where i put my car keys down 2 minutes ago but i remember that shit :blink:



    i was selling some perts on here last year and he tried running some bs game on me .

  3. i new i have seen your name before BLASTER X , you screwed someone out of parts on this site ,


    check out the BAD SELLER / BUYER section and search his name .


    what did you move up to stealig and tagging quads now ?

  4. how the hell did your vin numbers fad away , they are stamped into metal , they just dont fade away . i have had a 30 year old bike that was sitting out side for 10 years and the vin is as clear as the day they punched it .



    if you have a frame with no numbers its stolen or its a replacement frame from yamaha .



    if you have no numbers it sounds a little fishy to me :evil:

  5. i dont think anybody can tell a big difference going from fatty's to toomey's , i have both sets and switched back and forth and i couldnt tell the difference , maybe the t-5's had a little for top end but i couldnt really tell , you would have to put them on a dyno to be able to really tell .

    im sure people will say they felt a big difference going from 1 to the other , i tried it a couple time last week and couldnt tell , toomey's or fatty you will be happy with the outcome , the only thing i can say is that i think the chrome holds up better on the toomey's , the fmf's tend to rust faster then any pipe i have ever had

  6. I'd say its not worth to incredibly much being completely stock. If it was all original equipment and the thing had never seen the dirt, it might be worth a lot.


    I know a 250R with basically everything aftermarket around here goes between 3500-5000 in PA. The prices dropped on them when everyone went to 4stroke in racing.


    If its in really good shape and you being in CA, I'd say around 2500?



    i remember before the 450's came out you couldnt get a nice 250r for less then 6000 bucks , now its a different story , my friend is trying to sell a 330 trx 250r with every thing and cant find a buyer .

  7. Man I cannot decide whether to get Lonestar axle or G-Force.Anyone with experience on both?Please help.Thanks




    i had a lonestar , was very happy with it , nice fit , never had a g-force , i heard they are heavy ,


    do a search , im sure you will find a answer

  8. i had a weird noise on my motor after the second time i rebuilt it , thought i was going to have to rebuild it again , ended up being one of the pipe springs rubbing against the pipe , only did it when it was hot , i guess the metal expanded and rubbed , i was very happy when i found what it was .

  9. its alway cool to see a movie star in person , i have met a couple , living in new york i have met a couple , billy joel and christy brinkley (when they were married ) , i talked to christian slater once , he was standing next to me on a corner in manhattan , he is a pretty cool guy , normal down to earth , had a super hot ass chick with him .

  10. i hope. i know i need a set of cases now..it looks like the tranny blew out on clutch side and it was all welded back together. and it also looked (from outside) inside like someone tossed a hand granade in there. case is all scarred up. the guy told me when i bought this that he just hasd all of this stuff replaced. well you know how that goes.. your really not going to tear it down to have a look see.lol. well i did and i found this new stuff.. its just money money i get to spend for my new set up.. don



    i have a set of 2002 cases for sale , very clean ,

  11. Is that a factory Yamaha seat cover? Is so, who wants to sell me a factory Yamaha seat assembly with one of those covers on it? :thumbsup:



    i think thats a guy on ebay selling those covers , if it is read his feeedback , not that good , my friend bought one of those seat covers off ebay , it took like 3 weeks to get and it was shitty quality , gripper material was even real ,


    dont know if its that guy but he uses the same pic in his auction

  12. usps, tape them together tightly, shrink wrap the shit outta them, slap a label on them, and hope they can t read a tape.I HATE SHIPPING PLASTICS AND TIRES.



    i shipped s set of rear tires out last week , i charged 30 bucks shipping i figured that would cover it , the buyer had a address that started with RR , that means rural road , that means he lives in the middle of no where. the shipping was like 50 bucks .

  13. You really only have two possibilities for a cause of this problem:


    1.) The cranks seal is not good.

    2.) What ever was used for a gasket between the upper and lower case halves is no longer sealing.



    i agree , i had the same problem , you should do a leak down test , that will tell you right a way , mine would piss oil out of the hose , it ended up being a bad spot in the cases behind the crank. had to split the cases but it was fixed.

  14. ya now im caught in a it a bad spot. i am trying to get on the duncan support team and i need to run the PT's and im goin to have a hell of a time trying to find a set of those for a good price. with the discount im still looking at 600 bucks for a set. and i dont see very many used ones floating around.so im going to have to think about what im going to do here now. but thanks guys i think these things are going on ebay.




    i just sold a set of pt mids on ebay about a week ago , they were verry clean no dents , chrome was nice too , they sold for 300 , went cheap , i see set that look like shit go for over 400 ,


    keep looking i see them on ebay all the time ,

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