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banshee mx

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HQ Noob

HQ Noob (1/5)



  1. lol im not carin dude but thanx for the tips , there not the 1ns i was hoping for but who cares??
  2. dude go for it im buying 1 just know and ye its no banshee but it comes a good second here it is
  3. banshee mx


    i checked and i dont have a tors cable so i will order 1 can i get back to you during next week (tuesdayy) about your throttle ?(if the offer still stands??) is there anything needer for it exept the torrs cable? thanx dan
  4. banshee mx


    this will probaly sound stupid but wot ya mean when ya say have i got ma tors removed? sorry im dis new in this thing an dont know all tese parts. sorry!
  5. banshee mx


    yea thanx i almost flipped the other day trying a jump with the twist, do you know where i can pick up a thumb throttle from?
  6. banshee mx


    are you guys still on a thumb throttle or a twist grip? i find the thumb more controlabl when it comes to mx?!
  7. ye its pretty steep, but if you got the money to burn then i guess its all good. the thing is who does?! all mines gettin spent on the shee
  8. banshee mx


    i live in the uk im guessing he is in the us????? wouldent that be quite pricy for shipping?!
  9. thanx, im in inverness. where about are you
  10. banshee mx


    thanks for the help
  11. im in scotland (sorry i didnt know how you guys said it in the us) im running putoline mx5 2stroke oil
  12. what fuel to oil ratios are u guys runnin, cuz the guy i bout the quad off didnt tell me an what ive been runnin looks like its a little rich? iv bin runnin 160ml to 5 litres of petrol
  13. www.activetoys.co.uk sell them i checkd an dey ship dem 2 da us. there 499 pound stirlng so i dunno wat that is in us dollars (sorry)
  14. erm www.activetoys.co.uk ,scroll down to the quads an u will find quadards(quite near the top o the list) i checked an they ship 2 the us
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