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  • My Banshee (optional)
    2004 white/red, toomey t5, uniflter

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HQ Noob (1/5)



  1. ihave them just cant remember how to post them been trying for 30 minutes now
  2. hey where are you located im very interested in it
  3. the wheels got bent when they switched the tires somehow but give me 40 and u pay shipping
  4. itp sand stars in the rear and skat trak mohawk in the front
  5. ill post some pics in a few give me a call at 559-270-6169 and well work it out
  6. ok heres the deal i have all the stuff in the title that i want to sell because of a bad deal with my buddie my quad was in his name making payments to him and he wasnt paying them so now its getting repoed and im sueing him all the parts are fireball racing its a local company where i live they make the stuff for jansen racing and denton. ok heres the catch i need all the stock parts to put back on it so basically i want to get 500 plus stock parts for all this stuff the arms are powder coated black and i will also give you the chain for the swing arm in trade for your stock one i also have a set of paddles to sell if your interested give me a call at 559-270-6169 im in fresno california i might be able to take some shitty pics with my phone if you want them ok heres some pics sorry its all dirty just got done riding yesterday and havant had time to wash it all the pieces polish up nicely ill clean them before you get them only had teh swing arm on there for 3 trips to the dunes and 1 in the mud/dirt arms have been on for a while but just had them powder coated when i got the swing arms so there basically new again and im pretty sure i have some new highms joints for the top a-arms
  7. ok i took my stuff in today im getting it bored 20 over shaving teh head and porting teh exhaust port for $550 is that a decent price? im also going to get dual 35mm carbs and new reeds does that sound like it will be decent
  8. ok well i got sand in my motor so i tore it apart, my pistons have chuncks missing, my top ring on each cylinder was only half there, my head one side is all black and knicked up and the other side looks fine and my cylinders look a little scarred but not to bad . i wanted to get soem opinions on what i should do for the rebuild i dont have teh cash to spend millions but if i can stay around 1500-2000 dollars i was wanting to know what parts are good and wich ones suck ass so if you guys could help me id apreciate it oh yeah by teh way its a 2004 with t-5 pipes and a uni-filter other than that teh motor is stock thanks
  9. ok i checked the compression and it 30 on the left and 50 on the right i pretty sure thats bad does anyone know what its supposed to be
  10. alright heres my problem i went riding this last weekend and my bike started backfiring hella ugly so i check it out and teh plate that hodls teh filter on in my airbox wasnt sealed properly and it sucked sand into my carbs by teh way i have a unifilter with no airbox lid on a 2004 banshee i have t-5s .and jetted for sea level ok anyways i took the carbs apart today and clened them out put it vack together and it finally started running after we pulled started it with a truck and it still ran like shit now it making a noise to me it kinda sounds like tapping valves on a car. so if anyone might now whats wrong i would greatly appreciate the help
  11. sound like ill fit right in around here
  12. whats up everybody my names russell i hope i have a great stay here
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