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Everything posted by cotton.mouth

  1. good writins. ban this user name too lee i wont come back i promise you. you have my word. did you guys know google is an annomouse search engine? when you search with google they hide your ip address. dummys. and there are meny sites that offer annonmouse browsing. i dont even think you could find out my isp. and if you did you wouldnt have a case because i didnt threatin anyone or anything. i wont come back if you ban me again. brooke you said you like lesbianism and when i started saying somehting on it you got defencive. so get mad if you want. its your will. brooke you like dominating men, tempting them for something they cant have. hope you guys know the harm it can cause. you guys have no princables. your arguments are all filled with hatred. your not capable of love. you think im crazy? good. if that makes you feel better than you beleive that. hook line and sinker, you guys bought it all.
  2. those pictures dont do much good. get some hid lighting or use the sun or something
  3. dont forget the mount for that tors box under the handlebars.
  4. could you guys be any further in denial? anger kills. i think i will leave before your neighbore starts pounding my fist to a cross and leaving me for dead too. is this your idea of fun? what exactly did i do to make you guys hate me so much? a couple misspelled words? a couple "stupid posts"? some one on here came to "united pot smoker" for advise on his relationship. i dont know who it was but he said he perferd my advise over all yall nincompoops advise. maybe i got a little excited with my last post to brooke. she knows i like her. i asked her to go riing with me but she refuses . im Sorry about that PM brooke, but you know how i feel about you. you know i do like you. i dont have a sig yet but here it is " never underestamate the amount of stupididty of people in large groups" your all like a cult. i was talking to some of you a while ago and you didnt have a problem with me and now you all against me. your like agents from that movie the matrix. nice one minute the next all hell brakes loose. i know some of you guys are serious Cowards with a capital C.
  5. how about friday after next. " here are your whisles" " if you see any bad guys just blow" toot toot" seriously. i would love nothing more than to put your ass in jail. becoming a cop. i would have no bones about taking that flashlight of yours and beating you senceless with it.
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