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Posts posted by Gargamel

  1. You do realize, "mint" condition would be an unridden bike? You might want to reword what your looking for. 4k or under shouldnt get you anything better than an '02 with pipes. It wont be Mint condition


    Remember your in Cali. and Cali. has there own stupid prices, one of the reasons I moved.


    Local paper I can get 2 banshees (one a 2001 and other a 2003) with a trailer for $7k

    both piped and some other small extras, in good condition


    you should be able to find a nice shee for $4k



  2. I was just busting your chops about the 450.


    I feel your pain, I had to sale my shee to pay college bills and hospital bills from when my little one was born.


    I ended up parting it out and made a lot more then expected. I never would have got my money out of it whole. I even had a little left over to pick up a cheap dirtbike so I could at least ride something for fun.



  3. ........he was willing to pay 8k before inspecting and listing of all parts.....



    Take the money and run.


    It's a nice shee but good luck getting more. Although don't get me wrong I'd like to see you get your asking price. I just can't see it.


    Everyone wants a 450, and the rest want a drag/dune shes if they want a shee at all.


    You never did say why your selling your dream quad, going for a 450? :biggrin:

  4. That sucks that it happened but I can not feel sorry for someone that is dumb enough to ride without one!


    His choice to be smart and wear one or not.


    It's like feeling sorry for a crack head that OD's. They did it to them self and knew better not to do it.


    It's the kids that see the "star" or dad riding without one that I feel sorry for. They are the one's that don't know better and need to see us adults wearing a helmet. With any kid around or by myself, if the leg go over the bike for a ride boots and helmet on always!!!


    My little girl is only a little over 1 and if I'm putt putting around with her on, her and I both have one on. She already knows that the helmet stays on while riding. She loves to ride already and you can't get her in a helmet unless an ATV, bike, ect. is in sight.


    I practice what a preach :beer:

  5. .... I dont even think they have that okie stuff over here on the West Coast, ......


    Well they do. I'm from the West Coast also


    here's one in Cali http://www.wgasmotorsports.com/schedule.htm


    and one in Oregon http://lawnmower.meetup.com/cities/us/or/grants_pass/


    I could go on with every West Coast state too. It is a sport and fun to watch. I don't race it but have friends that do. I'm in the process of building a bar stool racer.


    I'll race anything that has wheels :baseball_w00t:

  6. I feel for you. I'm in the same boat. When we had our kid I quit my job to stay at home and go back to school. Had to sell all the toys, but after college when I go back to work and the kid is in school I can get it all back.


    It is hard going from a 2 income house hold to 1 income. We just downsized the toys. Quit blowing money going out and shopping.


    You can make it work, it's hard but do-able.


    The kid is worth ever bit of it though!!

  7. I would have to agree with the above. Great all around tire! They got my stock piped shee to the top of Choke Cherry just fine. Hell even beat a few bikes I lined up to drag with up choke and Thunder.


    They are my Favorite all purpose tire :thumb:

  8. If your going to ride in a public place I wouldn't do it!


    It's those kind of riders getting the places to ride around here closed. Noise is good ammo to give a tree hugger to close a public riding spot down.


    Sorry not trying to be a dick or anything but I've lost a lot a areas to ride because of the few.


    If your talking about the clamps that go from pipe to silencer, You can ride without them on most pipes. I know I could with my FMF's



  9. Adobe Premier sucks ass unless you like complicated programs, I'm a simple person and the program is over my head. Sorry I hate Adobe, the programs are not user friendly IMO.

    Windows movie maker does the job just fine and is super easy to use. I bought the Adobe Premier program and wasted money cause I hate to use it. There went $250 out the window banghead , if anyone likes the program I'll give you a good deal :D


    You should have no problems figuring out windows movie maker, it's simple



  10. i.. and i need it loud.... reallly loud

    haha gotta have that...


    IMO a piped 4 poke is louder then a shee, unless the shee is running non-silenced drag pipes.


    If all your trails are large and fast, and you want fast - shee al the way!!


    I just think for slow speed cruising 4 pokes are better. Other then cruising shee is top dog.



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