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Posts posted by wheeleymaster99

  1. sounds sweet but does anyone have any idea how much plastic 55 gallon drums will coast i would like to try to find some old ones someone will just give me but i dont know where to find any but i know i can get pallets for free and lots of them i might just halft to end up useing those

  2. yeah my dad ribilds crashed cars and he does body work so at the time we got a lot of old car hoods and doors and everything but i want to make a lot nicer and i was also thinking about useing plaets and puting a layer of black plastic in them so paint cant go through but mainly i'm looking for some plastic drums if i find any i will poast some pics of thye field when i finish

  3. i'm thinking about makeing a paintball field i have 10 acres so i have room i'm thinking about makeing one speedball field first and another later on i know i will halft to get incurance got a fill station and connections to good caes of paint real cheap i could sell but i'm thinking about what i will use as bunkers i'm thinking about trying to find about 50 plastic 55 gallon drums and finding a way to stack them or something likt that anyone done this got any ideas i dont have money for a sup airball field or anything so i'l just looking for some ideas on what i could use for cheap but good working bunkers

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