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Posts posted by TheNewGuy

  1. i've been lookin for the same thing dude, dont think you're the only one having problems...the only thing i've found were the right wattage (spelling?) but they were for a civic/crx...the problem with those would be the clips to actually get power TO the bulbs, your best bet, if you want some blueish lights...get a set of car driving lights, some of them have a blue tint and the right amount of watts...wire them yourself...chances are they will be a lot brighter than your stocker headlights with the xenon bulbs...this is the only thing i can think of....hope this helps




  2. hey guys,


    need some help here....went out to look at my rods in my spare bottom end...they say "Y2GL" on them...i was told they were hot rods but i wasnt sure as to what i look for to make sure...does anybody have some of these...please help me out im going crazy trying to figure this out lol....


    thanks ahead of time



  3. not my bike but i definately thought it was worthy for honorable mention,


    there's a guy that races in the riddle drags quite a bit with a gsxr1100 w/ a bigger bore kit (he says it's 1500cc but i dont know for sure) he's also running nos...pretty fast!


    one of my friends dad runs a cbr900 on the bottle in his banshee...also a fast bike, i'll see if i can go get some pictures of both of them this weekend and i'll try to keep ya'll posted....


    one of my bikes just has an old 500cc flat track engine in it...sc500..."the man killer"...i'll leave it at that :lol:




  4. hey people,


    this may seem like a stupid question but how exactly can you tell if you have a stroker and/or how big of a stroker crank you have...in the '87 engine i have in pieces, my friend told me he had a stroker crank but i wasnt sure if he said how big it was....can anyone tell me if you can measure or what not....he said something about hot rods but i wasnt exactly paying attention, does it say somewhere on there (if you can tell i havent looked at either)....any info would be great


    thanks yet again



  5. sorry but i call bullshit on those dyno charts, if i saw some real comparisons (not on toomeys) site, then i'd believe it more...there's no way that pro circuits can peak as much horsepower as cpi's...those are showing some top end results and pro circuits get waxed by cpi's (i speak from experience)...i dunno id personally go off of the people's words rather than the t6 dyno sheets...better to get a true word rather than a foney (spelling) dyno sheet result



  6. i had pro circuits for my banshees first year of it's life...


    i only ride dunes here in oregon, my pro circuits did everything i wanted and more (cept go up banshee hill but that was because i had shitty Kenda Trakkers...another story)...they had plenty of of power all around and very managable (spelling)


    i have t5's now...i like the top end pipes the most...if you're a beginner or kinda hesitant to the bikes speed, go for a mid range pipe because you'll be more apt to play in the middle gears....


    if you go balls to the walls ( like any banshee owner should ) go for the t5's or a top end pipe...


    and yes CPI inframes are hella nice (just no low end)


    hope this helps



  7. hehe um...dont mind lefty...disregard anything he says about being in dark alleys and behind porno theaters.............yeah you heard it lefty im STILL going to therapy for what happend.... :blink:


    haha im just joking, lots of smart people here, very helpful in any range of atv's and such...


    glad you found the site man



  8. i dont mean to start a flame but i seriously didnt understand what you started talking about...you wanted tires a couple days ago for a big race against a modified honda....i got that much...then did you just say "f*ck it, im racing him with knobbies"???? i mean congrats on the new bike...but just try to make more sense for us retarded back-woods oakies



  9. i wonder if they'd give me a discount if i sandblasted it myself.....only problem is, they might not be able to get it in RIGHT then i guess and there's risk of it getting rusty since it's the winter months...but i guess that's only a $25 (abouts) discount...anybody know about how much it'd be to ship a frame/arms to like MO and back from oregon?...doesnt hurt to do a little shopping around the country either



  10. ok update,


    i can get my frame/swingarm done SILVERVEIN for $250...he wont do my a arms tho because there's a plastic bushing on the end that will melt when put in the oven...but hey nothing a rattle can of black wont fix!!!!


    time for mikey to get a job to get his frame all pretty!

  11. wow i just called the shops around here and they wont powdercoat the FRAME for under $300...yeah that's just the frame, no swingarm or a arms...just the frame.....i sure hate oregon.....


    oh yeah they said they wouldnt do silver vein on a bike frame because that's an "indoor color" and it wont hold up....anybody have any words against that or are they right?


    thanks again



  12. as far as silencers, you dont really get any HP gains...just the sound of a banshee followed by a whole lot less back pressure...i had some pro circuit pipes/silencers before i bought my t5's, they are really good pipes i loved them...i just wanted to go faster w/ more top end...they have some really good power in the mid range and up on the top...people tend to use them for MX from what i gather but they also have some good combinations of porting/bore/carb work to get killer power all around...if you like trails/dunes you'll get perfect use out of your pro circuits...you'll be able to tell the difference in your machine when you get your pipes on...but like i said the silencers will only give you the sound and less backpressure...not really sure if it'll give you too much power over stock....


    hope this helps



  13. niceness!


    im not getting this done right away, im 18 and have to get a job (nobody is hiring around my area) to pay for it,


    im at least shooting to get coated mid winter...or at least have my frame in their shop by mid winter...so i can get it out and together by springtime...


    i'm gonna call around to the local shops and see what kinda deal i can get...


    thanks for all your guys' help!



  14. nice so it's pretty bendable (dunno if thats a word but thats ok)...and it'll hold up to some punishment...that's phat...im just debating on what colors to go with...i was thinkin of powdercoating my frame like a midnight blue...but dunno what color to put my plastics....any suggestions?

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