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Posts posted by oldbanshee

  1. www.bobscycle.com


    I've been wering fox since before all of the highschool kids began puttin the stickers on there cars. It's actually pretty good. I like shift thor ect also, but it seems like shift is even more trendy then fox now. Too many bomb-squad wanna bees on stock 400ex's on the trails...................................


    I think I'm going to get some moose xcr gear next, the stuff for nasty weather. Its supposed to hold up good and be easy to clean.

  2. I used to when I had time. Don Fry was the man back in the day. Now Vitor belfort and Dan coture look like the best all-arounders.


    It would be cool to learn some of those submisions. Some realatives were really into amature wrestling(competitions statewide), been shown some of that, but not any of the arm or leg breaking stuff :notworthy:

  3. seeing as she went out with suzuki, shes got to be the ugliest fattest piece of shit alive. And as for the fight, this kid probably 6 inches shorter than me and 50 lbs lighter than me wanted to fight because i hooked up with his girlfriend from like a year ago. I wasn't gonna womp on a little kid so i let it go but i met him outside the school and he pushes me so i pushed him back and he socked me in the face. I hit him in the arm and pushed him to the ground, but he got up and just started throwin fists left and right. I got about 5 hits to my face and a bunch to the chest. Then his brother (who is 6'2" and 195lbs, a footballer) came by and he stopped and walked away. I was bleeding from the lip and had a black eye from a tiny kid.

    6'2 195, thats supposed to be big? I would have flattened anyone of those guys for even shoving me :wacko:


    WTF, at least if the big bro did it to ya it would be less embarassing.


    You should go pay that kid back! :flush:

  4. I didn't get to go this weekend, but zack said the sand is nice and wet and the whoops shrunk. So you can haul ass up the hill. I told mark about it, for sure I might take a couple of sleads out there. Would be a good testing ground if its nice and flat. It chunks up pretty good out here anymore.

  5. I'll have to come check it out as well. We have several sleads that we might want to run. I have an old pea shooter(89,cr) 125 also. I might go to maltby hills tommorow with a couple of other guys to do a huge loop.


    Hopefully I get the time to go, if you want to try to run your monster up there once, give me a shout. I know for sure that dusty d's would be a great tunning area for it though.

  6. Suzuki#1, my Banshee would hand you your ass even berfore I put the cr500 in it.I wonder why no one puts Suzuki 500s in there shee's...........Now I remember,because the top end on them only lasted a few laps.Now do everyone a favor,and instead of posting anymore go put a new coat of alum. sealer on the roof of your trailer,or go to bingo,or count your Marbarlo miles,or help your dad bang your sister.


  7. I have one of there stage 2's that was gone over by micro edm (they assembled the motor also here in michigan)


    It runs good, I'm really happy with it. I'm not going to be beating stroker banshees' ect. But I have been beating everything else I have lined up against. Wich includes now 3 hooked up 450's. One yfz and two honda 450r's a 310r, a ported 250r, and a 302r. Stock banshee's, piped banshees,built up raptors ect. It's just a play motor, nothing real serious. So in my opinion no trinity does not suck. I don't think passion re sucks either. Either way your banshee's going to be faster then it was before. I'd consider patriot,ftz, A&S and eric gorr also after hearing from some others. There's a few other really good tuners here in michigan also. Mines only going to get faster with every teardown :lol:

  8. Lol, man this suzuki#1 kid is a tard. You could just let him try to hit you, then throw him around a little bit. Maybe give him a good smack or two. Figures hes just another little 15yr old punk. :jesterlaugh:


    No wonder his threads are all so dam stupid :shootself:


    He'll probrably tell you he's gonna get his cousin from the city after you next. :rotflmao:

  9. Used to be with snowmobiles. Wish they still had caseville shanty(with all of the ovals and drags) days. I have an SRX700 also.


    Where are they at? Do you have different classes? I'd like to check it out. Do you have a tamer bike for trail riding? You should sign up at www.michigandirtslingers.com too.

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