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Everything posted by torombolo

  1. Gracias Aguita, Post your ride to see whats been going on at the D.R. My Shee got stolen abot 2 years ago, and am close to getting another one this week.
  2. Whazzz Up Riders: I'm looking for Riders from Puerto Rico that might have a Banshee without engine or pipes, just a rolling chassis for sale. Preferably an Aarm frame. Anyone with news on this contact me at ccaballero@onyxes.com
  3. :shock: let me tell you!!! about a month ago, this crazy kid was all over the news here on the island he was drag racing out on the street passing cars in curves and everything when the cops turned the syrens on to pull him over he just fled or whatever, well he made the evening news, down the road he crashed on to a flat bed truck and was decapitated. Cmon i love speed but there is always a place and a time, i'm not an old man i'm 28 all my toys are very fast, but i dont want to kill my self over some stupid shit!!!
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