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Posts posted by jmd0346

  1. Jackson makes a nice auto but its pricey. If you have a Jackson hat you can buy a auto insert for much cheaper.



    I use a "old school" Jackson non auto. I personaly dont like the autos. If youre good you dont need it. LOL I own a steel fabrication shop so I have some practice.

  2. I have them and I love them. They made a big difference over the stockers. Id say they added some power but more over added throttle response. They have a very snappy "right now" kinda response. In fact Id say they run better in technical trails then the stockers. You'll notice as soon as you bolt them up. Snap the thumb throttle a couple times and you can hear the difference. IMO they're the best sized carb for most applications. IMO 26's are too small for most of us but 33-35's are too big. This just opinion from my own research so take it for what you think its worth.

  3. Guess that just had to get warmed up. Give us an update on how fast they are. Thats the first thing that non banshee owners ask me about mine, is how fast will it go. I dont have any idea, im not a human speedometer, no what I mean.


    Wonder if the speedo., tac., etc. that you can get for them are accurate?




    Yeah I get the same thing and all I can do is guess. I just got the gun in today. Ill give a update this weekend. Im probably gonna ride sunday. This sounds bad but Im really thinking about charging people to get a reading were we ride. LOL Hey I figure 5bux for two runs is legit. Heck I bet I have it paid for in one weekend.lol I probably wont though. I give everything away.

  4. Stock gearing is 14/41 on the Banshee. So you will have a higher top speed than stock geared bikes (if you are running 20" tires)


    Would be neat to have your own radar gun, could do a whole bunch of stuff with it :thumbsup:




    Yep your right. I have stock gearing. 14/41. I just couldnt remember what stock was. Ive never changed my gearing since Ive owned this bike so I know its stock.

  5. With the mods listed I would say you are lean. What is your elevation? For referance I ran 400 mains with my setup. They were rich but they worked the best in summer and winter climate. Probably should have been a 380 to be perfect.



    I cant see a ported Basnhee not reving out on a 300 main.


    I had a similar problem with mine. Mine turned out to be electrical. I changed out my (damaged) fly wheel/stator and i went away. It would rev out ok in 1st and 2nd but would break up bad after that.

  6. I have an 06 shee with home port work 15-41 gearing +4 swinger round,Stock stroke,40 over,30mm mikunis and fmf fattys on last season. My friend runs a drag radial class with his mustang and im there as part of his crew. I ran my shee at a few test and tunes best time was 13.48 in the 1/4 at 91.6 mph on street tires


    I knew damn well theyd do more than some were claiming. I guessed 80-100 based on mods.

  7. How much are they and where do you get one?



    I got it on Amazon for 80 bux. It was on sale. Looks like a pretty good one. Its accurate within 1mph and can read a vehicle up to 1300ft and 200mph.



    Not many people responding to my thread. I guess nobody is interested. Or maybe they know something I dont.

  8. After the last "Top speed" thread and other needs and wants. I decided I needed a radar gun to measure speed. Its accurate within 1 mph. It has a range of 1300ft on cars and 200mph. As soon as I find a good spot Ill have speed readings on my Banshee(mods in sig), A basic mods Basnhee, a stock Honda 450R quad, and a piped CR500. Also a 1/10th scale HPI Nitro RS4 with a 2 speed, a 1/8th scale Thunder Tiger buggy and a Traxxas Rustler. Myabe even my sons Honda trx90. And anything else we can think of. LOL

  9. you cant go big with porting on Big bores. i talk to Kevin from HJR on this, the transfers are to small. thats why i didnt use them. i think this thread would do better in the mods section and not the jetting.



    I dont think you're reading that back right. I dont see how a boring would effect transfer ports that you are going to change anyway when porting.





    To the OP. You should try some 30m OKO's. Its a kehien(sp?) knock off. Very good carb IMO. I would also go with DMC 916's in stead of the Aliens. Just my opinion. I think the 916 setup looks better and sounds better.

  10. i ride trails(woods) and mx track once and a while but the trails i ride has many long straight aways( some fields and some paved roads in between trails) that we go head to head on and i weight in at about 175-180....was thinking if i went up in gearing for more top end i was going to go with a shorter swingarm for the traction and the get up and go in the trails but for now i still got the stock swinger .......so what do you think???




    Are you having a problem or are you just looking for a change? The reason I ask is because the stock gearing is a good all around setup. Its my opinion Yamaha R&D'd the gearing to be good all around. Of course it was setup for a 40hp stock engine but its still very effective on 50+ hp engines too. IMO Id stick with stock unless you are looking for a specific change in the way your bike runs. ie... You need a little more bottom or topend.


    If you ride trails mostly or drag race for short distances Id stick with stock. I dont think you would need more topend than 70-80 mph through the trails. LOL If anything some more low end. Banshees are all about gearing.

  11. It doesnt matter that much to me. I rarely get up in top gear. It would be cool to know what these things will do though for coversation sake. If I had to guess my bike probably makes 60-65hp maybe. Weighs 380-400 lbs I think. It'd be neat to know what that with stock gearing will get you. 6th is a tall gear. If you have the power to pull it out these things should see some pretty good top speeds. If you can pull 6th up into the rpms pretty far I dont see why 90-100mph wouldnt be possible. Just a guess though. Hell Ive seen Banshees do 115 in the 1/8th. Obviously very powerful but obviously geared as well.




    When I run my bro I can hang till about my 4th. Then he starts to walk me. Once I get up into top gear we even out pretty much. He rides a CR500. Not sure what they run top end. They're 5 speeds. Have about 60+hp stock. Weigh around 220 i think.

  12. No offese, JMD...but power to weight of a quad vs. a car are worlds apart...at this level.


    I'm not saying this 4 stroke is the shit, but a 250 lb banshee with 120HP (very easy to do) has nearly a 2:1 power ratio...takes a lot more than that for a car. Where a quad/atv fall short is gearing. Enough to pull the whole track and not run out....but a motor to turn that big of a gear...


    That being said, I think he's full of it...go run him.





    LOL! Oh i know man. I was just throwing that out there. My point was I dont think this moron has a quad thats as fast as my 600 hp car. I know it can be as I said with some serious help. Meaning modded up pretty well. I just dont think this kid has it.



    Heck Ive got a buddy that has a banshee that would smoke my car in the 1/8th. Its serious business.

  13. I went 73 in the eighth on my bike when it only had pipes, pro design filter kit, Vitos power pistons. Ive never run it since then. Gearing I imagine is going to limit your top speed, to a degree, no matter how much power you make. You just get there faster. On a 60 hp bike Id guess 85-90 mph. I could be way off.



    Ive had some riding buddies say they GPS'd there bikes at 110-120 mph. I raced them with mine a put a many lengths on them in a 1/4-3/8 mile run. They acted like my bike was the second coming. LOL Either they were lying or the GPS was screwed up.

  14. Sounds like another freakin moron who doesnt know shit. He wants to call that big money and pinks shit to try and scare you so you wont race. Id call his bluff. I wouldnt race for pinks or money for that matter but Id give him so much hell he'd race for nothing. My guess is though he wont.



    Just for comparrison sake my 600 hp Cobra does the 1/8 @ 97 mph and the 1/4 @ 120-124. Somehow i dont see a quad doint that without some serious help.

  15. I had Razr rears. They lasted 5 or 6 years and were still in good shape when I took them off. I needed fronts so i changed all four to Razr 2's. They are awesome tires. Theyre 6ply so you cant hurt them. They can take alot of abuse. They hook like mad and last along time.



    Short story of it. Get the Razr 2's. If you arent happy with them you can cuss me out! LOL!



    I got mine from motosport iirc for $297 shipped for all four. Best tire out there IMO.

  16. I couldn't disagree more. Using your analogy, why would snowmobiles bother to have powervalves? Modern snowmobile engines are close to 40 years advanced to our OEM style Banshee cylinders. At a constant speed and throttle position, yes snowmobile clutches do maintain a constant RPM, but if you are off the gas at all, they downclutch and the rpm's drop. The transmissions are different, but the idea is the same.


    Anyways, my opinion is that a single carb is NOT worth it.




    I dont know shit about snowmobiles so be gentle. What about a snowmobile engine makes it 40 years more advanced?

  17. Your supposed to set the float level different with the 2 into 1 intake cause it sits at a different angle then when used with regular intakes. Like I said, there should not be anything different with your setup that made it so that carb would not work. We run a 38mm carb on a 460cc 7mill cheetah motor. It doesn't run the bowl dry. From what your decribing, sounds like something was probably broken or missing in the carb if it was smoking badly and "blowing" smoke.



    I was the one who said my buddys smoked bad. It very well could have been missing somehting. He bought it with the 2 into 1 on it.



    This other guy is saying he's running the bowl dry on a 38mm carb. I dont even think its possible to run a carb dry if its setup properly and its functioning properly. When the float gets low the fuel valve opens and allows fuel in. There is no way in hell his engine uses more fuel than a 1/4 or 5/16 hose can supply. More gas goes in the bowl than can possibly be run out. The jet would have to be bigger than the line and fitting feeding the bowl for this to happen. He didnt have it setup right or as you said was missing some parts. Somehow I dont think he'll agree.

  18. Glad to hear you guys are having great luck with yours, mine was running out of fuel. Changing the needle might have helped, but I don't think it could have been that drastic of a change to keep my engine from running out of gas. Float height was correct, i went through the carb several times. It's just not enough fuel for some setups, each one is different. I am now a firm believer that 2 cylinders should definitely have 2 carbs. Just my opinion though.



    Only one cylinder is pulling fuel at one time. I have a hard time believing a 38mm carb cant supply a 175cc cylinder. Your bowls were running dry. As snop said from too small a fuel line or float height too low. How can you say the floats were set "right". What is right? Right is however high or low they need to be to provide proper fuel. Ive had the exact same problem on my 30mm carbs. Raised their height a bit and problem solved.




    Ive had a couple buds with 2 into 1 and they both went back to duals. They always had problems getting them tuned. We tried everything with them. They had stock jugs though and I think the 35mm 2 into 1 is too big for stock cylinders. We went lean as hell on the jets and it would still blow smoke like a diesel. Threw on the stock duals and it ran perfect.

  19. I wouldnt cut anything. Id do what i did and buy a race front fender. You can switch them out in minutes if the going gets muddy ay your riding spot. Honeslty It does make mud a little worse on you but its not that big of a deal. I was against "no fenders' for a long time untill I got rid of them. Now I love it. Ive been thinking of cutting the rear but I like the stock nerf bar setup.

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