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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/17/2022 in Posts

  1. 100LL is what I buy, and from what I've found, there aren't different types (brands sure, but they are all 100LL). Jet A is the kerosene. And while it is cheaper, no I don't think the shee needs jet fuel. :biggrin: I've done my homework on this. So far I have not yet come across one single fact that shows AV gas to be a bad choice. All these "additives" people say are put in the gas, nobody ever knows what they are when you ask them. They just know that its been put in the gas, and "its bad cuz its for dem aeroplanes". As far as the big long post up there that says AV gas not compatible with premix, wrong. 100LL will mix fine with pre mix. This will be a debate till the end of time, but like was mentioned, there is no point in using more octane than you need. I don't need anything more than 100 octane, and 100LL is cheaper than anything else thats comparable.
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