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Dumont 10/25---Holloween!


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I didn't see one one here so what the hell....Post up your rigs if want to meet up. I know SoCalinit wanted to meet up for a ride. I am still up in there air on weather my bike will be put together but I will be rockin the beater buggy at the least. This will be a the first holiday weekend in a place other than Glamis or Gordons for me so Im stoked to see what kind of peeps come out of the woodwork for this one :biggrin: I was going to Gordons but figured it would be cool to check out a new spot and meet some riding buddies...I'll put up a pic of my buggy this week so you can watch for me at the hill, we will kill a few :beer:

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anyone gotta a buggy i can ride in with them for the weekend, let me know. gotta broken ankle, so i can't ride til christmas..



haha thats the way to do it... I got one but im not taking it, infact im trying to hitch a ride from someone in tucson, my group cant go and that means i have no group! I want to leave the 25th also, but i wont be picky... :biggrin: If not ill just drive.. alone :sad:

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Sorry to hear about the Job...... Let me know if you will be in Glamis. Good Luck.




Thanks Doc... I'm out for Glamis... Dumont is a hell of a lot closer for me... Plus all the ome boys are going to Dumont...


Prez Day for sure!!!!!

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Cool man I'll keep an eye out for you...at night look for the biggest Sobe Bombs and you shall find me :evil: ....I should be with a bunch of trucks with DumontDunes.com stickers on em. I just bought a paddle for my fiddy so I will be the fat guy on a little bike in the camp areas. I'll be in a Black/Tan Ford Expedition, still got to reload photo resizer on my laptop so I can post some pics of my junk....


Damn Lee can you put a program in this bad boy that resizes pics for ya????

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Here's a picture of my stuff...


I have a BansheeHQ.com SoCalinIt sticker on the back of the toy hauler...




Here's my 421 Cub...




I'll post a picture of the 370R before we roll out... It's Monster green and black!

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  • 1 month later...

Rolling out at around 3 on Friday...we should be back in front of the finger dunes by bathroom 6. Ive got a blue/rust colored beam buggy and a red/white/blue honda fiddy on a paddle....shouldnt be hard to spot. See you guys out there!!!

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