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atv,motorcycle,small engine repair?

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Hm. I got to think about do something for my future now. Im takeing a welding class then i have kno idea what else i want to do. We own a junkyard/garage. Wich is like mine but i dont think i want to be cars and trucks full time. I think i want to do atv motorcycle and small engine repair and stuff like that. Some guy on top the mountain does that and hes got alot of cash and hes like 28 i think or 24 something like that, and also you come buy good deals like that. So what do you guys think about small engine and motorcycle repair and stuff like that , is it worth me messing with or not. I can pretty much fix most anything now that goes wrong with the shee if i cant i scratch my head a little bit and figure it out. Oh yeah by the way I am 16 years old.



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Since I got outa high school last year I wanted to go to AZ to MMI for motorcycle repair. They work on everything from 2 wheelers to 4 wheelers. Although things happened this past year making me decide not to go, and now this next year I'm not going again. I'm currently in an industrial maintenance program and that's pretty awesome for now. My friend however just got his acceptance letter in the mail yesterday. I say it doesn't matter how much money you're raking in as long as you're happy with what you got goin on. My dream was to someday own my own motorsports type shop, but who knows how long that'll last. It's always nice to have the knowledge at least. Everybody with quads always come to me for help cause I've had the most experience...even my own father asks me for help sometimes which is probably the most difficult thing for him. So I say go for it, there's always somebody that needs help and willing to pay for it etc. Good luck



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