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Clogged jet(s) or TORRS???


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I'm thinking it's the torrs but haven't checked it out yet. My shee started crapping out on me last Sunday before we came home from the dunes. She starts & runns just fine in the lower end, but at the top of the power-band instead of reving out it will spit & sputter, cough, pop. New plugs didn't make a damn bit of difference. Jetting has never given me any issues, I haven't even took off my carbs in 4 yrs now. hehe So I imagine if d/c the torrs doesn't cure it I'll clean the carbs. Anyone have any other suggestions; just figured I'd ask. :wink:

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4 years!!!!!! Holly crap, I get nervous after a few weeks. Im probably jusy parinoid though.


I thought the TORS was at 1/8 when the probs happen. On mine latly when Im just sitting and if I wiggle or lightly hit the gas it die. Definatly the evil TORS. Did you try and disconnect it and ride? I'd try that.


Thats just my 1 1/2 cents anyways.

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