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bought a set of 13 paddles from this guy. said the paddles had no cracks [at bottom where they crack] got tires today. and one of the paddles is about to rip off. this post wont do anything. but just letting you know...karma is a bitch......if someone can post a pic. ill email it

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bought a set of 13 paddles from this guy. said the paddles had no cracks [at bottom where they crack] got tires today. and one of the paddles is about to rip off. this post wont do anything. but just letting you know...karma is a bitch......if someone can post a pic. ill email it

.. http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c164/savage_420/Bubbagumpspic.jpg

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i know its not the point... but cant u send that in for a repair? i know the guy is a dick sucker... and should pay for the repair if u can.... least he can do... since he gave u a reach around.... wit no lube...


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Just the other day didn't I see you and a guy fighting in the shoutbox on ps because you guys did a trade sent him a jacked up swinger on you're part and didnt want to refund his money b/c you said the part you received was'nt in good condition??? If I knew you were the same guy I would have never dealt with you. Its obvious that you're a hypocrit and cannot be satisfied by anyone, I hate to see the trouble you give at walmart. Anyway, I explained myself, went out myway to get "detailed" pics as you requested. I checked out the paddles and there was nothing like that, idk if you got po'd that you might have found a hairline crack on one of the paddles and decided to rip it further to try to get a refund, but cleary were in decent condition when I shipped them out. I've been selling here since the day I subcribed with NOT ONE bad thing to say about me, just go back and look at the post, they dont lie. But lk i said, I feel sorry for your local walmart :shakinghead:


And THESE are the pics & tires I sent you, is that the same thing you're displaying???



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why would someone "RIP" a set of paddles just to try and get a refund? just admit you either A. knew about it, or B. didn't look them over good enough to call them "good condition" either way a refund, or repair cost should be refunded.

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Probably b, b/c I honestly didn't see ANYTHING lk that when I looked at them. If he wasn't so childish about it, makin posts everywhere, I would've glady paid to get it repaired. Lk I said before, I've been selling since day one to many many ppl wit nothing but good things to say, and all of a sudden I'm a bad seller b/c of a kid who whines if his "used" parts doesn't look new, but yet does the very same thing to others, as I have witnessed.

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Probably b, b/c I honestly didn't see ANYTHING lk that when I looked at them. If he wasn't so childish about it, makin posts everywhere, I would've glady paid to get it repaired. Lk I said before, I've been selling since day one to many many ppl wit nothing but good things to say, and all of a sudden I'm a bad seller b/c of a kid who whines if his "used" parts doesn't look new, but yet does the very same thing to others, as I have witnessed.

yes he is childish, but is that a real excuse to not pay for the repair? honestly? big companies deal with whinny asses everyday, but those whinny asses spent money and customer satisfaction is key.

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I have dealt with DCO3100 many many times and have never ever had any problems. Stand up, honest guy and has sold alot of parts here with no problems. Ive bought many. Mabey he should have been contacted firts and givin the opportunity to fix it. I find it hard to believe that he wouldnt have noticed a cut like that?? With problems with the buyer on other sites mabey one shouldnt be so quick to judge. :shrugani:

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Its whatever, I know ill sell many more parts and have many more happy customers. Matter of fact he "childishly" made a comment on one of my classified post, bumped it to the top, and a guy seen it and bought it. Thanks I guess?

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Its whatever, I know ill sell many more parts and have many more happy customers. Matter of fact he "childishly" made a comment on one of my classified post, bumped it to the top, and a guy seen it and bought it. Thanks I guess?

the guy i was "fighting with" is my buddy. and we were flickin each other chit. ask him. so when can i send the tire in and have it repaired ? and u can pay for it ?

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